
Is this <span title="true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!top">true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span> 5 craziest things a drunk man does

by Guest56309  |  earlier

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1. cries without a reason

2 sings out of tune

3 gives the story of his life

4. keeps on saying that hes not drunk

5. keeps on laughing then suddenly stops to cry!!!!




  1. 1,3,4 is true i think

  2. 2, 3 and 4 are

  3. ya always in ireland they are like that

  4. Some truth in that, yeah. The list could go on and on though...

  5. All true plus

    6 Gets into a fight with another drunk then both spend the rest of the night telling each other what great mates they are.

  6. Hic!  I swear to drunk I am not God!  But I tell you this is freaking true!!!.

  7. lol

  8. haha so true im not drunk

  9. No... I never met a drunk man that does that.

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