
Is this <span title="true????????????????????????">true?????????????????????...</span>

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is it true that turtles (even in captivity) can give you salmanilla (sp? )even if you wash your hands with soap? also can salmanilla kill u?




  1. It is true that you can get salmonella from turtles even in captivity. A turtle does not have to be sick with it to give it to you. Turtles like other reptiles and most mammals carry salmonella in their lower intstene (this does not mean they are sick with it). This means that if you do not keep up good hygine then you could get it. If you are washing your hands after you handle your turtle you will not get sick.

  2. im not sure but apparently they have high levels of potassium in them and if handled to often by a child under the age of ten then they can have health because there bodies can&#039;t cope with lots of potassium.

  3. It Seems Like A Myth..But I&#039;m Not Sure Try Google. I&#039;m Sure Salmonella Can&#039;t Kill You If You Get Medical Attention,,

    Symptoms Include===

        * Headache

        * Abdominal pain

        * Diarrhea

        * Nausea

        * Fever (almost always present)

        * Dehydration, especially in babies and older adults.

  4. it is true that any turtle could give you salmanilla even in captivity if you wash your hands with soap and water your chances are veeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy low that you could still get it. samanilla can cause diahreea vomiting and could even cause death (more rare) the same thing can come from consuming raw eggs

  5. How in the **** can turtles give you salmonella? It&#039;s a virus from food poisoning. Didn&#039;t mean to swear, but you could search it on wikipedia, y&#039;know?

  6. actually, all reptiles carry salmanilla. now, if you share your turtles blood or make out with it then, yah you will. if you just wash your hands after and before(for his sake) then youll be fine. i work for a store where i grab the guys and just put anti-bacterial gel on my hands afterwords. 6 mnths and never sick(minus a taco bell incident) you&#039;ll be fine, don&#039;t buy into the hype.

  7. yes; however, it&#039;s extremely uncommon for turtles (especially aquatic turtles) over 4 inches to catch salmanilla. Therefore, if your turtle doesn&#039;t seem sick and bigger than four inches than your safe. But I would always was your hands, even if your turtle doesn&#039;t have salmanilla. My turtle had salmanilla and I was just really careful and washed my hands and his tank really well. I never got sick, neither did my friends and family who held him.

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