
Is this spotting??? Or excess period or what?????

by  |  earlier

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I have had my period for about a year. I already got my period already this month, on the tenth. But today, I woke up to blood. It is not heavy, but it is not THAT light. I have only worn one pad though today and no tampons because it is light. I was wondering what is going on? Am I spotting. And, what exactly is spotting, and why does it happen?

Thanks so much!




  1. Pics or it didn't happen.

  2. I think you are having an adverse affect from your birth control.

  3. hi,may be you have hormonal embalance ,you dont have stress and rest enough and ear food overflow vitamin like juice,fruits.if your spotting continue you see a doctor that he/she give you control"s pill that you will have a regular period,dont worry.good luck  

  4. Spotting is the term used when you just have a little tiny bit of blood, not an actual period. Some women spot when they ovulate, and being at day 19, it is possible that you ovulated. It could also be due to any extra stress, medications, etc and sometimes you can't pinpoint what happened. It's all part of being a woman. Sometimes your period goes funky for a bit and then settles back out. If you are not on birth control (and I'm seriously hoping you're not sexually active being so young) and you continue this for a few months, it might be a good idea to see a midwife/gyno just to rule out anything serious. It's unlikely it is anything serious, though.

  5. its nothing to worry about, my period messes up on me, so your probibly like me, you probibly just have a wierd period. but i would say that you should go to tha doctors because that what i did and now i have tablets to make sure my period goes how its suppose to.

  6. That is spotting or "breakthrough bleeding". It's fairly normal, especially if you are on birth control and miss a pill. A lot of people start taking birth control for this reason(to regulate their bleeding) rather than for birth control purposes.  

  7. it's normal...its spotting..i had it a couple of weeks ago..and now i have my period again...ugh

  8. spotting is when just drops of blood comes out

  9. if you're on birth control, then yes its just normal spotting...if not, see your doctor

  10. I would say it's just a little bit of irregularity. If you're younger and you're just going through puberty then that's normal. I'm not an expert on anything, but it could also be a vaginal tear...  

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