
Is this statement Wrong?

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If African Americans would consentrate more on finishing high school they would have a better future. Almost half of all African American males don't finish high school. Why not concentrate on finishing high school? And after that maybe even going to a trade school to learn a trade. Read link below.




  1. I don't think it's just African-Americans not "keeping it real".  I went to a mostly white school and all the "popular" kids would razz anyone who would study too much.  The blacks I know have a "jobless" rate similar to whites and hispanics and asians.  Why would you ask a question like this?  

    P.S. In high school one learns that "consentrate" is actually spelled "concentrate".

  2. After reading your link I would have to agree with you.

  3. The fact is, MANY MANY blacks -especially males - have the attitude that the nation owes them and that they should not have to put forth any effort to get anything for themselves.

    Graduating high school or even college isn't that difficult (I'm sure you are a good example). But, it does take some effort. And, those with that attitude simply aren't going to put forth any effort at all.

    Call it racist. Call it bigotted. Call it what you want.

    It still remains a fact.

    And, NO, I don't have any respect or regard for those with such and attitude. Nor do I care for those, like Obama and Kennedy, who pander to them and encourage that attitude.

  4. I agree, but this goes for all races. It is called being responsible. The break down of the family has caused this problem it is too easy for men to walk away, divorce is easy.

    I ask my grandmother once if she and my grandfather ever had problems- yes she said, I ask why they never split up. her answer "We was to busy raising kids, we had responsibilities, things wasn't always easy, we where poor but all most everyone else around us was too, when you look back at most problems they wasn't really that important"

  5. Your statement is not wrong. Being a black straight A student, it's sad to see so many black people throwing their eduation away because so many people fought and died for that right.

  6. You are the first person, I have publicly frame the question as you have.  You point to valid and important issues in the vast majority of black Americans failure to assimilate for a part of the American dream.   The inability to understand that all immigrant groups had to gradually improve their lot in life.  An immigrant may have had as his highest goal becoming a plumber.  Maybe, one of his three children became a school teacher. The black "dream" seems like an abbreviated progress.  Go from slavery to lawyer or minister.  The American Experiment has failed in the case of the large majority of black Americans and the progress is more front than real.

  7. Everyone, no matter their color or heritage, should get all the education that they possibly can.  Some, however, are in areas with schools that make it almost impossible to receive a decent education.  We need more community action workers.  And by the way, you misspelled concentrate.  And that's the only thing I see wrong with you statement.

  8. I can be thankful that I did not face all the challenges each black faces every day while in school.  

    To those that think they only have to make a decision to do good and right;

    Then all the fat people in America could loose weight by simply deciding so.

    Then all the smoker could stop smoking just by deciding to.

    Then all the alcoholics could stop drinking just by deciding not to drink anymore.

    Then all the drug addicts could stop drinking just by saying no to drugs.

    And all the people who do not show respect for their fellow citizens could easily gain that ability.

    What a perfect country that would be.

  9. Fifty per cent of the students are now dropping out of schools currently. First we should all the students who have dropped out of high school to try to attempt to receive a g.e.d.  After they graduate those who are interested should attend a community to pursue their goals of becoming an EMT, a fireman or a police, plumber, carpenter ie. This would be more effective rather to criticize a segment of the students who have dropped out of school. This very important due to the high unemployment rate.

  10. There is no doubt that anyone who furthers their education will have a better chance to succeed in life, however those that do not finish high school usually drop out because they lack guidance at home.  Many come from broken homes, single parent homes, but  the saddest part is that most of these young teens that do dropout of high school lack self-esteem and usually fall into a life of crime.

  11. Your statement is not wrong, it just focuses on another symptom of the real underlying problem in black America.  In order to truly correct the problems of high drop out rates, high out of wedlock birth rates, and high incarceration rates in black America you must first institute a culture of personal and parental responsibility throughout black America (lets see Obama or any other politician pull that one off with another billion dollar government program).

    Personal Responsibility

    Black men must commit to the following: I will not be promiscuous and I will treat women with respect at all times.  I will not father a child before I get married.  I will not get married until I know my life's purpose.

    Black women must commit to the following: I will not be promiscuous and I will not have relationships with men who do not respect themselves or others.  I will not get pregnant before marriage.  I will not get married until I know my life's purpose.

    Parental Responsibility

    Black men and women must commit to the following: My children are the most important people in my life and they are worth sacrificing for.  I will do whatever it takes to provide them with food, shelter, and an abundance of love.  I will make sure they are physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared to survive the world they will face as adults.

    Until we spread this message far and wide throughout the black community, everything else we attempt to do (while well intentioned) will only be a band-aid on a bullet wound, so to speak.

  12. Hudsonhawk said it all and said much better than I can. Too bad the so-called leaders of the Black community, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, can't spend a few minutes with Hudsonhawk and listen, with an open mind, to what he has to say.

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