
Is this statement by Al Gore of any help to the GW controversy?

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Also is it in bad taste to use this disaster to promote yourself?




  1. It's a perfectly reasonable statement. He doesn't claim that it was a direct result of GW which is why he said "might". Scientists predict that these things will happen more frequently with GW, so this sort of disaster is what we can expect more of in the future due to GW.

    I can just picture the talk radio hosts getting all bent out of shape over this and ignoring the word "might" and telling their listeners that Al Gore said the Myanmar tragedy was all because of anthropogenic GW. These fools will lie every day of their lives without batting an eyelash and then go to church on Sundays.

    People are just looking for more ways to demonize Al Gore. Nothing he said was illigitimate or even contraversial from a science perspective.

  2. It is certain that the global warming has a natural cause, the sun.

    A second fact is that the most performing computers are still unable to calculate what is the real effect of the present worldwide emission of CO2 on global warming.

    So the opinions of the scientists are very divergent about the reasons of the global warming and the consequences of our emissions of CO2.

    So nobody knows exactly at what percentage cyclone disasters are due to higher CO2 emissions.

    Another fact is that the preachers of coming catastrophes and disasters due to CO2 earn a lot of money. Al GORE gets 150.000 dollars for every conference and has earned till now 50 million dollars for his film. The lobbies for alternative energies have already earned at the money markets enormous amounts of money and get richer and richer.

    Fact is that the liquid fossil energies become to be rare. So we must try to spare fuel and to look for other energies, which are not too expensive.

    I think that we must reduce our consummation of fossil energy anyway. Perhaps is it necessary to tell people terrific stories about coming catastrophes to persuade them to spare fuel and to use, if possible, more and more clean alternative energies.

    However there is another important point, we have to take in consideration. Actually 6,2 billion people live on earth. In 2050 we will probably be 9 billion. Might our governments not search for middles and ways, and these middles are known, to make people avoid to put more children to earth as they can keep? It would solve most of our problems worldwide. Are our governments not doing actually the contrary with our money?

  3. All is fair in a propaganda campaign.

  4. If the tradegy in Burma (and the earthquakes in Pakistan and Iran) shows anything it's that they need better standards of construction in the developing world.

  5. It's a shame when some exploit the tragedies of the week and poor for their own gain.

    The people of Burma had more than 2 days notice this was going to occur.  I wonder if the environmentalist forced these people to stay in danger, sacrifice them for the "better good" of getting their message out.

    Algore wouldn't be the first mass murderer to win the Nobel peace prize.......

  6. He always says MIght, If, Suppose and Possibly...  That is what this entire global warming myth is based on.  "If you were to believe in the tooth fairy, then santa claus must exist."  His ridiculous movie was wrought with those types of sentences and the kool aid drinkers fall for it as if it were real.

    Anything and everything...  Even cooling can be 'indicators' that global warming exists according to this psycho-babble.

  7. I agree it was not in good taste but he is a politician and that is what they do.

  8. Yes, it just goes to show that he is ignorant.  A bad cyclone hits Myanmar and all he cares about is that it was caused by "global warming" and not a cyclic nature of storms and the building up of coastal areas.

  9. Global warming caused by artificial emissions is one thing and the recent cyclone which hit hard Burma is another thing.

    Let us not mix up issues.  Global warming is indeed a serious issue but we cannot attribute this to every natural happening such as cyclone, hurricane, typhoon and so on!

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