
Is this still illegal?!?

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Ok this is sooo confusing. My cousin is a year older then me (14) and she had s*x with this boy who is 20. BUT they both say that she raped him. He said that he did not want anything to do with it but she forced herself on him and (in so little words) got his thing hard, got on top of him and raped him.

.... Should I tell someone?! If so, who would go to jail?!?!




  1. Even if she held a gun to his head he still goes to jail.

  2. Okay, now let me get this straight:  Your cousin is 15 years old, female, but stands 6 foot 4 and weighs 220.  She lifts weights twice a day and wrestles alligators on weekends.  The boy she raped is 5 foot 4 and weighs 108 pounds soaking wet, and has no physical prowess to speak of.  Right?

    If that were the case, a law court might take the difference in their stature into account as mitigating circumstances.

    But in any other case, it is statutory rape and the "boy" is guilty.  Unless she physically overpowered him or held him at gunpoint, no court will ever consider looking at it any other way.  The law assumes men are bigger and stronger than women unless a contrary situation can be clearly shown.

    So certainly he would go to jail if the facts are as they have been told to you.  On the other hand, it's not really up to you to turn the guy in.  If your cousin told you, she can tell her parents or the police.  Not your problem, I would think, especially given that the facts are a little on the weird side.  Let her do her own reporting.

  3. The young man, who is 20, can go to jail for statutory rape.   That fact that she allegedly raped him holds no weight in court.  He did not have to lay there and let a 14 year old fling herself upon him.

  4. Well first off what were a 15 yr old and a 20 yr old doing together in the first place that aren't related...  Second, why the h**l were they in a bedroom or wherever for that matter.  Third, y can't people just have fun and go on dates without having to take their clothes off at the end of the night.

    d**n, I must be stuck in the 1950s and I wasn't even alive then!!

    Where the heck were her parents?!  Obv. she went out with this guy alone so frankly in my mind its her fault as much as his!

    I have no patience for people that put themselves in these situations 15 or whatever!!  At 15 you should know better then to be alone with a 20 year old.

  5. If this is true that she forced herself on him, regardless of age that is rape and she could go to prison if convicted.

  6. No 20 year old man can be forced into having s*x with anyone if they do not want to be.  After all it takes two to tango, he could have gotten up and left the area where they were.  So I hardly doubt that she forced her self upon him, more than likely he allowed it to take place.  Because he wanted it to happen, and then he could say that it was her fault.

    So as I said if he didn't want to have any thing to do with it, he should have just gotten up and walked out the door.  A 2O year old guy is a lot stronger than a 14 year old girl will ever be.  So if he didn't want to be doing what he was doing he should have just left and went on his way.  No little girl is just going to do that to a man if he doesn't want it to happen.

    Sound like he has a problem and he should be sitting in jail right now for rape, since he's a lot bigger and stronger than her, he could have just walked out.  But he chose to stay and then say she forced him.  Yea, as if!

    Your cousin is in need of understanding that she shouldn't be sleeping with grown men.  Where were her parents?  

    Some one should be told about that, it should be told to an adult.  That man would go to jail for raping a little girl.  Since she was to young to be responsible for any thing that happened.  He is after all the adult and he should have had the will power to walk away from a little girl.  He is the one who did wrong.  

    I hope that this helps answer your question.  I wish you all the best.  God Bless.

  7. He is straight up guilty of statutory rape.

    Your cousin will get away with it.

  8. You just posted it online, you pretty much just told the whole world.

  9. No way could she have raped him. He is a lot bigger than her. He could have walked away.

  10. A 14 year old girl forced a 20 year old man to have s*x with her?


  11. The 20 year old would go to jail.

    You should talk to the 14 year old and convince her to tell someone. It's not your place to do that, unless she wants you to.

    People need to learn to not get in the middle of other peoples business unless asked!

  12. boy

  13. She would get done bad if there was prof and yes i would tell someone it's going to eat you up inside otherwise!!!

  14. There is no way she will get in trouble for the alleged rape. He on the other hand is very likely to get prosecuted for statutory rape and spend some time in jail.

  15. He's 20? She's 14 or 15?  He's legal, she's not.  He could have walked away but he decided to rape her.  His story will never hold up in court. Call the police and report it.  Let him be on the receiving end for the next 20 years from a cell mate named Bubba and a shower mate named "slippery".  If you say nothing, he will destroy someone else's life.

  16. he would cuz  the girl is 14!! i find it hard to believe that a guy got overpowered by a girl!!! he should have pushed her away and got the f#ck away from her!!!

  17. Okay ... I don't think she can be done for rape ... but depending on where you live it could be considered statutory rape because she was 14 and he was 20. Do not believe that she forced him. If you feel concerned talk to your parent/s or adult you trust.

  18. I would have to say that some where in the telling of your story there is something that is illegal.

    She raped him, he apparently sat back and did what most guys would do in that situation, they both say that she raped him. Are either of them looking to press charges against the other? If not then I don't think it's your place to tell anyone, except like video CWK stated, you pretty much told the whole world when you posted your question.

  19. Even if he reports a 14 year old girl raped him he is the one going to jail for statutory rape due to her age. This story seems really ridiculous to me. It doesn't exactly seem like he tried to hard to get rid of her. I mean c'mon...she's 14 years old and he didn't have the strength to get her off him?? Please.

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