
Is this story for real?

by  |  earlier

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If so I can would still find it hard to believe that a person could be so wicked to her own two year old child.




  1. yes

  2. omg thatz horrible

  3. I agree, I find it so unfair that there are scum like that who have kids and either don't want them or won't love them and take care of them properly, and then there are financially stable and loving couples who can't get pregnant.

  4. Yes, its had to believe isn't it? That a mother could put her own right to enjoy herself above the need to care for her child.

  5. That story is quite mild compared to some things that go on behind closed doors, it can shock you to the core.

    Many years ago, whilst in the police, I applied for the child protection unit. I was told that at that time, they were't accepting applications from male officers as, due to the shocking things they see, men couldn't be relied upon to keep their temper against the offenders.

  6. This is not the first time I've heard something like this.  It goes on worldwide.  The only time it gets into the media is when it's reported to the police and the media finds out.

    People like this don't deserve children

  7. I am very sorry to say,Nothing surprises me any more,When you read an article and think ,How low can people go another one make the headlines,

  8. There is a lot of evil in this world, unfortunately.  I live in NC in the US and, not 100 miles from where I live, a thirteen year old boy died after being tied to a tree by his father and left there for over 18 hours in 95 degree heat.  He was covered in ants when his body was found.  The boy's mother died a few years ago and the his father had remarried.  Both the father and the stepmother have been criminally charged.  People in this area are raging about this.  Child abuse occurs in all cultures and societies.  It's a horrible, terrible thing.  Just remember to pray for the souls of the offenders as well as the victims.  The offenders must be truly tormented people.

  9. Children are both a blessing and a responsibility - the mother failed to see either one.

    That poor kid...

  10. 9 months?? god, that is ludicrous. she deserves a LOT more than that//

  11. Some people don't deserve to have children.

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