
Is this story of a real superman true?

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I am researching a little but anyones info is greatly appreciated




  1. the actor of superman is real

  2. That story isn't true, it was written as a joke.

  3. "Clark" from "Kent" Iowa.  Rescued "Lois"?  Give me a break.

  4. Whatever the truth of the story (and frankly, I doubt there is much in it) the original superman stories (before it was sold to DC) were inspired by Philip Wylie's novel Gladiator.  Clark Kent is precisely not a difficult person, whereas Wylie's character is something of an antihero, but the themes of both the strip and this story come so directly from his book I can only assume that it was written by a fan of the original strip.

  5. i have been a superman fan my whole life and have never heard that story before i doubt it is real. just look at his last name its basically superman with a z.  

  6. um show one piece up evidence that says anything about a disease that makes your skin withstand bullets

    and 30mph for 30min that is faster than ANYONE alive

    come on man

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