
Is this such a bad thing!?

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Everyone say i'm a complete s****. child (even though I'm 15 years old)

i no I'm a loud mouth that gets her way but seriously whats wrong with that?

Do you think its such a bad thing?




  1. well what kinda things u do that make people think that?

  2. You just answered your own question. O.O

  3. its not a bad thing if you get what you want. bc i do too.

    but dont be a ****** about it and brag

  4. Youre good. Im 17 and the same way. Its not bad.

  5. Umm NO! As long as your not TOO mean about it.... <3

  6. no, go with it HAVE FUN!!!!

  7. well everything

  8. It is not great. Try to not complain and whine and you'll have more friends.

  9. Nothing wrong with it if you're okay with having many fake friends and not a single real friend and if you're okay with most people hating you and talking about you behind your back and you should probably realize that the older you get the more people will start saying how much they dislike you to your face...which is going to suck cause you will come to the sad realization that you are just a meaningless vain person. But if you're okay with all that ...then its not a bad thing at all...

  10. Haha my parents think the same of me and I am 14. It can be bad if you get out of hand with it.  

  11. Its better than being a juvenille delinquint!

  12. It's not a bad thing. IT's just your personality. And I think I know you? ~Maiko

  13. If you feel comfortable with being a "complete s****. child" and you are not hurting others in any way, there isn't a problem. But if your behavior begins to interfere with others and sparks unhappiness, you may need to consider changing the way you act. It is only a bad thing if it affects others in a negative way.

  14. if you're like those kids on ma supa sweet sixteen then YES, IT"S REALLY ANNOYING.


  15. im a big mouth to and it can stink but if it is gettin you what you want than good

  16. uhhmm.. kinda but its your life.. you decide:p

  17. Snobbishness is the belief that you're better than other people. This is both ignorant and false. It's also a step away from arrogance, which is ugly.

    Concentrating on being a loud mouth so you can get your way is manipulative, to say the least. Forget about being dominant and learn to share power. If you choose the path of domination, everything is a threat to it, and such people often become very paranoid. They're also called control freaks. It's just as ugly in women as it is in men.

  18. Hmmmmmm.......sounds like a rhetorical question!  

  19. Uh yea.........

    When you "grow up" and get into the real world, the snobbyiness will get your nowhere as an adult.

  20. Yeah because not everyone wants to hear your opinion all the time, even if you do think you're right, doesn't mean you are. Learn how to bite your tongue.

  21. well, it's hard to answer from not knowing you personally.

    but sometimes when you're loud, you miss the quiet important things in life.

    and always getting your way is no way to live. there are many things and life lessons i wouldn't give up for the world that came from not getting what i wanted and having to take a different route.

    sit back and examine yourself. you wouldn't have asked this question if there weren't some inkling of self-doubt you were feeling.

    do your ways stress out the people you care about? how is your family handling this? because if it's hurting the people you love, then that's what's wrong with the way you're acting.

    sit back, take a deep breath, and really re-examine yourself. being spoiled and selfish is no way to truly be happy.

  22. if everyone says you are, then you must do something to make them belive that.

    try thinking about your actions before you do them.

  23. it can be. how would u feel if u were one of ur friends and they NEVER got their way and u ALWAYS got ur way. u shouldnt b selfish. im not saying u r. and im not judging u. im just stating wat i think is happening. but i would probably need to kno more.

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