
Is this supposed to be an insult or a compliment?

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i sometimes go to parties with my parents and almost everytime i'm there, someone will say to my parents:

"your daughter is so cute. how old is she?"

i'm 16 (about to be 17), whenever my parents let them know that they always say something like:

"wow, she looks so much younger"

it really irritates me when someone says this! i'm shorter than most people my age, so is this supposed to be an insult or a compliment?




  1. It is meant as a compliment but people too soon forget what it is like to be so young (especially when you are young, look young and want to at least look your age)

  2. compliment!


    so im in the hospital, walking in the hall way.

    and this nurse lady stops to talk to my mom about me, she goes, what size is she (in pants) because her niece is having a birthday and she wants to get her jeans, and shes about my size.

    so my mom goes, she's a zero.

    and the lady goes, how old is she?

    my mom goes 15.

    and she goes oh my God, my niece is 8!

    so embarrassing..=]

    but, i guess you can take it as a complement, =]

  4. It's not meant to be either. People still say this to me! (I'm 28!!) They're just making an observation, not thinking they may make you uncomfortable.

  5. It's a compliment. Be glad you're still young. When you get older you'll wish you had your good looks back. Really I don't think anyone is ever truly satisfied with their appearance...

  6. It's a compliment. Don't ever try to look older. Looking young is always a good thing.

  7. It's meant to be a complement, but I can understand your irritation.  Talking about you as if you weren't there, even to make a complement, isn't exactly polite.

  8. This is another case of people don't think before they talk.  Don't necessarily take it as an insult. If they say you "act" so much younger than you do - then you can get ticked off.  Pray that years from now when you tell people your age, they will still say "wow, you look so much younger" ;)  Be patient with us adults, we don't always remember that young ones have feelings too!

  9. Hmmm..It seems like a compliment. But I can see how you might be confused.

    It irritates me that they speak to you like you don't have a voice or aren't supposed to speak. That's a bit rude. Do you agree?

  10. Hey!

    I'm about your age and under 5ft and I get exactly the same thing! It is SO annoying!! I'm like 'cute?? isn't that what you call a little kid?' Even if people mean a compliment it is kind of patronising! Do you ever get trouble when you want to see a film or something and people say you look too young? I've had that a lot too! Hey why don't you contact me through my profile and we can chat about this some more!



  11. By itself, it isn't either. It just is.

  12. I had the same problem at your age I hated being called cute and being told I looked so much younger than what I was.  Its annoying to say the least.  However in ten years you will be glad of this. Most women would die to be like that.

  13. There's a turning point where you take looking younger/older as a compliment. Girls (usually) up to 18-20 want to look older so they would seem more 'grown up', and 18-20+ want to look younger.

    To them, this is a compliment, because they most likely thrive to look and be younger. But, it's up to you if you take this as a compliment or insult. You decide on what you want for yourself to be, not what is generally known.

  14. You'll be thankful when you are older!!!! Compliment!

  15. compliment, It irritates you now because you are young. When you get older you will see how someone telling you that you look younger than your age it's a really great compliment.

  16. Don't stress about it.  They mean it as a compliment because they think you're young and cute.  When you're older, you will hope people think you look younger!  Enjoy it while you can!

  17. I know when youre a teenager, this is an insult.

    Just hang on a few more years.  

    I always got that too.  Now that Im old, it still is true, and I love it !  

    It gets better.

    In reality, theyre talking to your parents like youre not RIGHT there.

    Because they are older, they dont see it as being insulting.  

    Yet, a teenager  sometimes likes to feel they are more mature than their age.

    Just pay no attention to it.

    People say things at times, just for conversation sake.

  18. Well, it may seem like an insult now, but when you are older you will love looking younger! =]

  19. girl take it as a compliment! imagine if it were the other way around? yikes

  20. It's just an observation, it's not necessarily a compliment or an insult.

    Remember, our society tends to value a youthful appearance, so saying someone looks younger is usually a compliment.  When you are young, however, you usually want to seem older and more mature, so it isn't always what you want to hear.

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