My boyfriend is a little overprotective.
And now he seems a little hypocritical as well.
He does drugs, crack occasionally, and weed, but he wont even let me try weed once. (Not that I want to be addicted, I just wanted to experience it)
Then he went on about how he loves me to much to let me do drugs, and how if I did them and became addicted he would hate himself.
He rarely eats.
When I try and do a 2 day fast, or count calories, he gets really mad because he says its unhealthy.
He fasts, he counts cals. But once again, he says, you'll slowly slowly become more and more used to it, than boom, before you know it, your anorexic.
Hes had s*x tons of times before he was with me.
Now, when I even mention it, hes all like "No way, Im not having s*x with you. Your only 14, its to early, blah blah."
Keep in mind, he does all this stuff, He first had s*x when he was 13. Hes now 16.
He passes out sometimes, because he rarely eats.
And he does drugs alot.
Dont think, Im like some irresponsible rebel child, I just wanted to ask about that stuff and he like went off on a huge tangent.
But doesnt it seem a little hypocritical?
-and yeahh, I do care about him, I realize I just came off like I didn't but I really do-