
Is this sweet, or just hypocritical??

by  |  earlier

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My boyfriend is a little overprotective.

And now he seems a little hypocritical as well.

He does drugs, crack occasionally, and weed, but he wont even let me try weed once. (Not that I want to be addicted, I just wanted to experience it)

Then he went on about how he loves me to much to let me do drugs, and how if I did them and became addicted he would hate himself.

He rarely eats.

When I try and do a 2 day fast, or count calories, he gets really mad because he says its unhealthy.

He fasts, he counts cals. But once again, he says, you'll slowly slowly become more and more used to it, than boom, before you know it, your anorexic.


Hes had s*x tons of times before he was with me.

Now, when I even mention it, hes all like "No way, Im not having s*x with you. Your only 14, its to early, blah blah."

Keep in mind, he does all this stuff, He first had s*x when he was 13. Hes now 16.

He passes out sometimes, because he rarely eats.

And he does drugs alot.

Dont think, Im like some irresponsible rebel child, I just wanted to ask about that stuff and he like went off on a huge tangent.

But doesnt it seem a little hypocritical?

-and yeahh, I do care about him, I realize I just came off like I didn't but I really do-




  1. At 14 you shouldn't be smoking weed, counting calories or having s*x. You need to get your boyfriend some serious help. Taking crack is INCREDIBLY dangerous, as is not eating.

  2. why are you 14 and dating a crackhead? you need to find a boyfriend who isn't such a scumbag. it's nice that he is trying to not let you turn into a crackhead like he is but that's not good enough for a boyfriend. he sounds crazy and will probably get you into serious trouble k  

  3. I think it means he cares about you? because he's trying to protect you?

    But he can't even respect himself enough to keep himself safe and healthy, so theres something wrong with that.  If there aren't problems now, there will be later on.  You can't complete a puzzle if you haven't finished your half.  It doesn't matter if you are helping the other person work on their half.

  4. Well, he is right, you ARE too young to be having s*x. You are only 14, he's probably learned from his mistakes and he probably hates himself for the things hes doing and doesn't want you to fall into the same trap. He really needs help though, and if i were you I would ask him to go to a rehab center.

  5. what the first answerer said is awful.

    your boyfriend sounds like a REALLY sweet guy.

    its okay to be hypocritical in this situation

    he just doesnt want you to make the same mistakes he made.

    he just looking out for you hun.

    seriously, your really lucky.

    he sounds so sweet.  

  6. i have a feeling your making this up..

    but if your not, get some help for your boyfriend

  7. It's sweet in a discusting kind of way. You don't need to experience drugs to know they are no good. You don't need to be having s*x at 14. And he shouldn't be doing what he's doing, not at 16, not at any age. You need to not be with him, and you need to get him some help. If you don't he may not live to be 20.

    He's not being a hypocrite. He's caught in his addiction, he's been through all those things and knows how bad they are and is trying to protect you from ending up in the life he's in.

    Trust me, if you care about him, you need to turn him in. It's for his own good.

  8. He sounds like he loves you too much to start you on the things he's experienced because he's watching out for your health and well-being. He most likely doesn't like what he does and doesn't want you to learn his ways. That's a theory though. He sounds very sweet. But I don't agree with the drugs or that he's had s*x when he was 13..that's not me but that doesn't matter. Be happy he's like that.

  9. he might be trying to protecting you from what hes experienced or is experiencing. I don't think hes trying to be a hypocrite I think hes just trying to "save you", and I think its good hes not trying to get your into drugs and all that

  10. Haha.  I find it amusing that you say,

    "I don't want to be addicted...".

    Yea.  Like he 'chose' to become addicted. Like all the people

    that are now addicted to nicotene, can't afford to pay for ciggies but

    feel they must, who are damaging their bodies, CHOSE to be addicted? that what most American teenagers think?


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