
Is this talk show host a good example of the sick and evil world that we live in today?

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What kind of country are we living in where talk show hosts can talk about such evil and disgusting things and advocate genocide without consequence?




  1. Good to know there are still decent people like Dumdum.

    'Tomorrow' is a brainwashed American who thinks his government loves him.

    The idiot above me actually thinks Islamic terrorists had something to do with 9/11.  How sad.

  2. Muslims are already sick and evil

    Muslims ALREADY strap bombs to their "innocent"  kids anyway before sending them to the marketplace to blow themselves up (and take as many Jews and/or Christians with them as possible).   And they're quite  proud to do it, thank you very much!

    You wanna tell me that THAT'S ok to do?

    Ever see video of Muslims sawing off the head of their captives?   The beheading of Daniel Pearl can be seen online...  this is the kind of people we're dealing with.

    Muslims willingly blow up their kids anyway.  At least if it's done as Michael Reagan suggests, they won't take other innocent people with them.  

    If Muslims want to blow up their own kids, so be it.  I'd just prefer that they do it in the privacy of their own homes rather than sending them out to take other innocent people with them.

  3. Dumdum:

    I agree, Michael Reagn was certainly being overly provacative to put it mildly.  

    Nevertheless, the point he is making has a parallel in WWII.  Many civilians who were supporting the n**i and Japanese war machines were killed during the bombing that destroyed entire cities in Germany and Japan.  More people were killed by the fire bombing of Tokyo than the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Many civilians were killed by the firebombing of Hamburg.  There were certainly no recriminations at the time.  

    The lesson was learned that before the peace can be won the war making infrastructure of the enemy must be destroyed as it was during WWII.  This may, unfortunately, include civilians.

    For sure Michael Reagan could have stated this axiom in a less harsh way.

    I'd bet that Richard V has never listened to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or the others.  He is making uninformed statements from the most politically uninformed part of the USA.  His comments are of no value and should be ignored.

  4. Absolutely!

    Lets continue to allow these Muslim fundies to act in any irresponsible way, and then self loathing whites like you can defend them in the US public by telling us all how evil we are and downtrodden they are.


    The idiot below me knows nothing about my politics if he thinks I support the Neo Con freetraders.

    I hate them too.

    If punishing the Middle East for being a nest of terrorists and their financiers is "hate speech", then call me guilty.

  5. This is pretty bad. I was never a big fan of president Reagan, but I do think he would be a little ashamed of Michael for this clip.

    And just as a side note- the Russians weren't crazy, they didn't come at us like Kamikazes? Does he know who did come at us like Kamikazes? The Japanese! Who are now our allies. What kind of bad example is that?

  6. I believe 80-90% of AM Political (Hate) Talk Radio is Right Wing. Millionaires like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity & Bill O'Reilly and dozens more hate filled bigots like Michael Reagan and "Doctor" Michael Savage (Weiner) fill the airwaves and profit their owners spewing hate.

    Ever since the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which Clinton signed, there has been more and more Corporate Media consolidation and more dominance of Pro-Corporate and Right Wing hate talk radio.

    Millions get brainwashed unless they know how to search the Internet for Alternative Media.

    I'm lucky I live in the Bay Area where we have the first publically funded radio station in the nation: KPFA Berkeley, part of the Pacifica Network, and available online.

    Also checkout: Democracy Now!

  7. I know people for whom the am propaganda radio is the only source of news. They take everything obvious and reverse it 180 degrees. If it rains they'll say it's dry, cold they'll say hot, etc....

  8. Micheal Reagan is an evil, psychopathic, reactionary, simplistic, twisted S.O.B.  

    How can anyone, with any sense of humanity, suggest blowing up mothers and children is acceptable?  I cannot believe this guy was allowed to broadcast this vitriol on air.  In Britain he would have been arrested and charged with inciting racial hatred.  We've prosecuted BNP members for less. (BNP is a n**i racist political party in Britain).  We've also prosecuted Muslim preachers who would attempt to recruit people here for extremist organisations.  

    One thing I'd like him, and anyone who supports this racist bigot to do is actually point to a map and define what he means by 'Middle East.'  Only If I'm not mistaken, some of the Middle Eastern countries are in fact, allies of the US.  What part of the 'Middle East' is he actually referring to?  Or is this guy as uneducated and ignorant as his comments would suggest?  

    'There will only be peace in the Middle East when they are all dead'.  Who?  The Middle East includes Israel, Iraq and Saudi Arabia.  Does he want them dead too?  Oh yes, blow them all up, they're only a bunch of darkies anyway.  Wonderful, to see right wing logic in action, isn't it?  

    The biased reporting of events is not helping either side.  Having only the activities of one group publicised and ignoring the terrible atrocities perpetrated by Israel is giving a skewed picture to your average, unquestioning American.  

    Whether it is the n**i's in the 1930's doing it to Jews in Germany, or the Israeli's doing it now, ghettoisation is genocide and should not be tolerated.  They are hoping to slowly starve these people to death.  Of course they will try to defend themselves, and Hesbollah is the result.  

    Micheal Regan suggests that the children named after the defenders of Palestinians will be brought up to blow up Americans.  Could anyone please inform me of a terrorist incident on American soil that has been purpetrated by a member of Hesbollah?  Just one will do.  9/11 had nothing to do with anyone from Palestine.  

    There will be peace in the Middle East when America keeps its big fat nose out of its affairs.  It is a mystery why the American governement gives unquestioning support to the Isrealis and does nothing to curb their relentless oppression and genocide.  

    People like Micheal Regan should get themselves an education, and learn some facts before making sweeping generalistions.

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