
Is this tall or short?

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I'm 11 and I'm 4'6 my legs are 25 1/2 inches long. Is this medium, tall, or short?




  1. You're pretty short! Or maybe I'm just tall...... because I'm 12 and I'm 5'2. But I don't think I'll grow anymore! =(

  2. thats medium!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG YOUR TALL!!!!! im 11 and im the shortest in the 4th 5th and 6th grade! THE SHORTEST PERSON IN ALL THOSE GRADES! a little 1st grader thought i was in his class! im 4'4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah your normal.

  3. medium i'm 12 and not much taller and i'm considered short.

  4. for your thinking short

  5. Short to medium. Not tall. When I was 11, I was taller than 5' (About 5'2", I think). I peaked at 5'10".

    But you're probably going to get your growth spurt soon... so you're gonna get taller.

  6. I'd say you are short. i was 5'1 at that age. Today, 19 I am 5'5

  7. i was 4-6 when i was in fourth grade so thats... 10. now im 5-8 so id say that ur meduim.

  8. medium

  9. medu=ium

  10. i am 15 and im 5'4....that is being short

  11. well you are shorter but i  am 15 and only 5 foot. when i was your age i was probably the same height if not shorter so dont feel bad.
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