
Is this tattoo worth it?

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I like this tattoo and of course it looks gorgeous but I'm wondering is it something that I can be proud of when I'm older?

I'm 18 by the way...




  1. You know what, dont listen to all those people who say "It will look horrible when your older..."

    Its YOUR body, YOUR choice. Your the one who has to live with it.

    As i always say... Live for the moment and at least when your old and wrinkley, you can look back at your tattoo and have all the memories of when you were younger... you only live once!

    Hope this helps lol... sorry but i get real mad when people say " you'll regret it when your old!" grr lol


  2. wow, that is one beautiful tattoo, and i think your been sensible when you say you will get it smaller than what it is, as it would involve a lot of sessions and not to mention the cost of it,

    why do people say "you"ll regret them when your old and wrinkly", when i"m whizzing around on my zimmer frame when i"m 80,i will still love them, even if i do have saggy wrinkly skin, and they look rough..i won"t be bothered,so why should other people be?.

    you only get one life girl, so you go for it...!

  3. That is beautiful. However, I would wait a year just to be sure--get some henna done so you can have a feel for how it looks beforehand!


  4. I personally would'nt get it but it's cute. A unique tattoo too. You REALLY need to make sure that you are positve its what you want thou because once you get it done its permanent. I hope you dont plan on having kids thou and that you are going to stay in perfect shape. If you have kids, when youre pregant your body WILL strectch out and the tattoo will too! Same with gaining weight.

  5. i have 3 tattoos and i wonder the same thing sometimes i'm 19, but hey they will look great for a lot longer than they won't ya know what i mean?

  6. Start out with a small idea that has

    meaning,purpose and class.Tat is very

    pretty,but unless this works with your

    profession in life is it really you???????  

  7. This will cost you an absolute fortune and take months of hourly sessions, get something small that can be linked up with stems etc. later after you've had more time to think, also consider your job prospects and if a large tattoo would affect them and would you be comfortable with it when you're a dumpy little old lady.

  8. It is beautiful, but I noticed she is long in the torso, so if you are not, I'd definitely adjust the design.

    That is also an amazing amount of work, and will be very expensive, and very painful. It won't be one session either. So be sure.

    But the idea is great, and I have seen other very pretty flower and/or vine ideas that are not quite so involved. Here are samples:

    And basically, you can have as many or as few of whatever flower that you want put on your side. 3 small beautiful flowers with a little vine is really pretty, and doesn't cost as much, or is as painful, or take as long to do.

    As far as that stupid nonsense about if you'll want it when your 'old and wrinkly' (I am sooo tired of hearing this..) I am over 50, and I would much rather have (or look forward to) interesting wrinkles, than just wrinkles and liver spots. The last thing that I'm going to be concerned with is the opinions of the under 20 year olds about my ink. If I get so that I can't do much, at least I can look at my body art!

    And besides, there are a lot of years between 'old and wrinkly' and 20yrs old. .. And who knows if you'll even get there anyway.

  9. your going to regret it badly. especially when your old and wrinkly. dont do that to your body, its hideous.

  10. no don't get a tattoo

    don't do something you will regret later.

    tattoos are not pretty.

    our bodies are holy temples of God and we must keep them clean:]]

    not worth it at all

  11. No, because one day when your older, your gonna be like, "Man why did I have to get this thing?!" Because by then, you'll be tired of it being on your body.

  12. i think its gorgeous but yea i would definitely go smaller...I'm 19 and cant wait to get mine (i have to save lol) but i think if its something you really want you should get it, but waiting a year to get it is a great idea...that's wat i did and i still want mine.....i think if your getting a tattoo it should mean something to you personally you know?

  13. I love it, but if you have any doubts at all, don't get it.  I always make myself wait for 6 months at least before getting any tattoos as it is easy to go off an idea.  Think about it for another year and see how you feel about it then.  I would print this picture off and stick it somewhere you can see it every day.

  14. The tattoo is pretty.

    I don't advise getting it unless you are totally sure you want it. If you have any doubts that you'll dislike it later on do not get it. Tattoos are permanent, well you can remove them but its more money than getting the tattoo does.

    So just be sure you want you body permanently tattooed.

  15. its just too much. I'd go for a smaller one so that you wont really regret it all too much when your older. but get one you really love :) :)

    Good luck girrrl :)

  16. It's a great tattoo, but how the h**l do we know whether you'll like it when you get older?? What a silly question - we've never met you and we know nothing about you. If you have to ask this question then the answer must be - "don't get it".


  17. I think its a little big. When your older i dont think it will look to good.

  18. I'm sure youll regret it when you're older when it starts to lose its color and sag and stretch over the years of your life.

    It's gorgeous if you want to deal with it for forever.

    and be care with the rib cages they hurt beyond belief

  19. The tattoo is gorgeous.  But if you are doubting that you want it, don't get it.  When you know you want a tattoo, you KNOW you want it.  I have multiple tattoos, and I knew exactly what I wanted for all of them - I don't regret any of them and two are fairly large.  

    Side note: Getting your ribs tattooed is incredibly painful.  If you haven't gotten a tattoo before, that might not be the best way to start.  I've had work done on my ribs, and that hurt more than any other tattoo work I've had done, no contest.  But hey, pain is all relative, right?

    By the way, the artist who did that tattoo is Scott Ellis of Triple Crown Tattoo in Austin, TX.  The guys over at Triple Crown do really good work (I'm from Austin).

  20. You can get tatoo's that last 2 - 5 years why don't you get one of them first and if you still like it in 2- 5 years time then you can get the one you really want.

  21. Hey,

    Thats one big tattoo! I would definately wait til your are older and think about how you'll look when you are in your 50s with that tattoo. It'll look good now when you have a nice toned body but when your skin starts to sag of you have children the tattoo might warp or stretch. I would get a henna tattoo done of the same design so you can see what it looks like on your body. Maybe a little smaller than it is too.

    It's a nice tattoo though.

    Hope I've helped!

  22. It's pretty, but way too big. For me, I'd regret it big time.. Maybe something similar, but smaller?

  23. 1 thing: DONT DO IT!

    no offfence but it is horrible and you REALLY wont want it when you are older

  24. Before you jump out there and just get something def think about what you want and don't get it just because it's gorgeous. You can use that idea or design but maybe down size the tattoo by like getting each flower for someone that means something to you. Goodluck with your decision and it is really pretty BTW!

  25. Don't get a tattoo!

    Think about how horrible it would look when you're old.

  26. 18 is too young to get a tattoo. I think you should think about it longer.

    If in a year from know you still want it, then get it. You don't want to rush this. Remember it is forever. Laser removal almost never works the right way.  

  27. i think if you r 18 and up you can get one but until you gave blood to a little girl or a boy or a old man or woman thats what i woold do ok bye

  28. NO..!!!

    its not worth it and when your older like 70 or something you skin will most likely sag and the tattoo will look horrible..and when your younger and you wanna wear a bikini the tattoo will just stand out like a huge disgusting pimple and think about how pain full it will be getting it my friends uncle got a whole german Battle Field tattooed on his back and it took over a year to do + he was in a lot of pain sometimes i see him coz he visits my friend loadz and he says that he regrets getting it. my mum even yelled at my sister when she mentioned getting a tattoo and she was only talking about those little stars that Rhianna has behind her ear


    tattoos tend to look cheap and tasteless as time goes on and you'll eventually get sick of it. don't mean to sound mean or anything but that's what i think and know obviously.

    hey its your body do what you want with it..


  29. That's a fantastic tattoo.  I'd get it myself if it weren't for the pain.  You could start with a section of it at your waist or shoulder and get the rest done if you like it.

  30. h**l yeah that tatoo is alsome more power to you you will be able to enjoy it more than you wont enjoy it that **** is hoot good luck

  31. If you like it, go for it, no use bothering on other peoples opinions, only you will no if you will be proud of it when your older, not us!

    And for all those people saying "it will lookg horrible when your older" if when you old and "wrinkly" the only thing you have to worry about is a tattoo then your very lucky! Theres more important things to worry about!

    And for the one who said "your body is a temple" thats correct, your body is YOUR temple, no one elses. you do what makes you happy, and if decorating your body will make you happy, then so be it!

    Everything you do in life will bring controversy with it, tattoo's are no exception, stop worrying about other peoples views and focus on your own.

    As for the tatt, its lovely, no my cup of tea, but if i were you, id section it off and get a bit at a time, because then at least if you get the first part and decide you want no more, it wont look incomplete and you wont regret it!

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