
Is this technique true???

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in order to have a speedy and powerful punch you pivot your hips as you swing and right before the impact close your fist on the opponent's face and twist simultaneously??

and if not.... can anyone please correct me... I really want to get better.




  1. yes it's very true, a very effective punch indeed

  2. how do you twist your abs? lol ...when you tighten your abs (not twist) you are connecting your lower body (hips/legs) to your upper body (shoulders/arms)

    push with ball of your foot, which goes through the knee, and pushes your hip, which when connected to your upper body, pushes your shoulder, and the strike is extended through the target (not at the target...through it)

    i often use this analogy. your target is a board. your fist is a nail, your body is the hammer.

    the reason for suddenly tightening your fist on impact isnt because it directly adds power. its that muscle tension (squeezing your fist, and thus your forearm) slows you down and telegraphs. ...whether or not you "whip" you wrist for example during the execution of a backfist is kind of irrelavent because at the moment just before impact, the wrist is strong and locked. the key is to not have muscular tension or active squeezing of the muscles prior to launch.

    some arts go so far as you create tension in the wrong you can explode in the right direction easier. for example in karate most of the time you place your fist on your hip for various reasons we won't get into here. but in taekwondo the way i learned it, you chamber up as high into the armpit as possible and make sure your chest is stretched out and your arm is drawn back as far as now your punch is 'coiled' like a spring under tension...and thus...exploding in the other direction is unobstructred. hsing i chuan does this as well....they'll for example twist their hips one they can twist it the other way easier. or they will twist their fist the "wrong way" so they can explode the other way faster.

    alot of karate and kung fu people say it like...bringing energy up from the ground. in plain english that means push off of the ground with your foot (pivoting on and pushing with the ball) which slams your hip (you have 2 hips. use whichever side you're striking with) forward, shoulder, extend punch...snap fist back to your shoulder/chin twice as fast as you extended it.

    it's like using your whole body as a whip....not a bar. but a whip. but!!...that is a power shot. ...for a quicker yet poweful shot...with much less telegraphing...the fist MUST move before the body. so...the "body whip" starts just after the fist leaves your chin/shoulder. in essence the fist moves, then the body reinforces it.

    as for breaking your dont have to start with your hand OPEN. just dont SQUEEZE your fist. tkd i was taught to always keep the fist tight, it makes you tired, and slows you down.

    look at it this way...keep your fist closed...but not too tight. right when you twist is when you tighten.

    i often hit people with open fist...never broken any of my fingers. your punch isnt taken on the fingers...but on the knuckles. wich places the impact on the bones in your hand/palm area...not your fingers..

    sometimes i give the analogy of vertical fist (ala jkd or wing chun) and a horizontal fist (ala modern karate-do) ...almost make initial contact with a vertical fist...and then twist to a horizontal (or semi horizontal) position. which i think is much stronger than a fully horizontal position. some call this a 3/4 twist is more "authentic" as far as okinawan karate goes i think.

    also the part of your fist you strike with will change depending on what type of punch you are throwing. a boxer will hit with his middle, ring, and pinky knuckles...and twist his punch vertical or even more sometimes. a karate punch is similar but they strike with the two big knuckles of the index and middle fingers. yet the wing chun/ vertical fist type punch also hits with the "yin" side of the fist...middle, ring, pinky.

    some arts punch differently than others, and they each have their reasons. a winh chunner will always punch from his (and to your) centerline. and he has his reasons for doing it that way. so sometimes you may sacrifice a bit of power for speed, and better positioning. other times you will sacrifice speed and positioning for knockout power. there are so many variables..just with simple punching skills

    so even something as simple as punching need a good instructor.

  3. i've always been told to push with your legs, twist your hips, and tighten your muscles in your arm right before impact to create that snap

  4. I'm not sure about that "right before impact close your fist" bit...

    If your timing is off (or your punch is blocked) you can break your fingers!

  5. the twist is to open cuts and cause bleeding...the pivot helps you extend your punching arms reach if done properly, im not sure about closing your a real situation that could hurt your hand is open and you strike someone out of rhythm or sloppily, i would think if its closed you would have less chance of doing that....

    just remember, shoulder to your chin and keep one hand over your ear and protecting your face...

  6. Too simple. Proper punch takes someone to critique you as you do it and there are a few more details. It also takes many hours of practice.

    There are also several ways to provide a powerful punch, depending on the circumstance.

  7. The hips generate all movement.

    That said the shifting of the hips doesn't have to be so( and should not really) exaggerated.

    The opening and closing of the hips is something that you should learn after some experience with learning the proper techniques of the basic punches first.

    The fist is to remain a fist, but you are correct that there should be no tension in it whatsoever. TENSION SLOWS YOU DOWN AND TAKES AWAY POWER. You will feel strong but the guy you punch will just laugh at you. ha ha ha

    At the moment of impact you tense in a funneling direction of your fist which will channel the energy to the impact and crush what you hit.

    Whoever said twist the abs is silly.

    You don't want to lean too much either, because if you extend yourself you will rid yourself of that explosive energy and will become tense in trying to maintain balance.

  8. instead of twisting your hips

    you twist your abs

    you combine your ab muscles with your arm muscles

    but yeah the rest is true

    i saw it on history channel

    or discovery whichever

  9. It's pretty accurate.  Whether kicking or punching, your arm or leg only has so much power and reach.  By involving your hips, and thus your entire body, you can get so much more power and reach.

    One thing I would mention is that you don't want to start with an open hand, you want to start with a closed, but relaxed hand.  You also twist and flex your first just before you make contact, then relax immediately after.

    Also make sure to bend your knees, don't lean forward (keep your back straight), and keep your elbows in.  A punch is not a "swing" motion, but a "thrust" motion.

  10. Ever play baseball? Technique for delivering a great strike is basically the all starts with the ground. Power and speed are generated form the ground up throughout the body as if it were made of springs, ball bearings, and levers each combining its own usefullness and particular duty. The twist in the hips or abdomen varies between individuals, for some, earlier the better and for others is best just before impact. Watch a tv show called fight science or take in a baseball game, it will give you better understanding of the mechanics of the body and how to get the most of your movements.

  11. yeah that is pretty much it.

    but also push with your legs.

  12. Yes, I have taken Goju Ru and that is close combat fighting. That is one correct way to punch.  Be sure you are hitting with your first two knuckles.  When you do push ups only place pressure on the first two knuckles on each hand to build up callus.  It will also save you from breaking your hurting your self.

  13. sounds right on...two things tho---only pivot your hips on a hook...and for beginners trying to close your fist right before a great way to get some broken fingers.

    Good luck!

  14. You are over-thinking it.  There are a million ways to punch.  In the end, a punch is a punch.

    There is no correct technique, and they are all correct.

  15. That sounds like it would work. Probably the best way to find out is punch something. Not somone, something. =)

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