
Is this telekinesis?Has the Amazing Randi been beat?

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  1. it's friction, it is the same thing as putting a spoon on ur nose, only on a larger scale

  2. No, that's not telekinesis.  That's called 'sticky skin', also known as 'not bathing regularly'.  Anyone can do that under the same circumstances.  Randi won't test him because he can do the same thing.  That's not paranormal.

  3. Here I am!!...."Fall or anything" Deenie!! lol  He might not be able to do this...but I'd really like to know how he "faked" it! I also know that magic tricks are not real...but I sure can 't figure out how they do it. My high school Latin teacher used to always say this..."If in doubt..DON'T!"

    Edit..However.. I AM enjoying your links!!

  4. See, this is just more evidence how dishonest Randi is for not giving his $1 million to obvious cases of telekinesis like this! Psychics should wait for Randi to come to them, after all.

  5. Maybe he used some type of glue...LOL, doesnt matter how many things people prove, others will always have an answer, to why it couldnt be...

    maybe that can be the next experiment, having sticky skin, by not bathing, ill try that one next time i go out to sea...LOL

  6. I love it.

    "The abilities of Miroslaw Magola are known to the most hard-line skeptics on both sides of the planet. Mr. James Randi, who has spent a large part of his life and a lot of money to de-mask paranormal phenomenon, does not dispute the authenticity of Magola´s talents (and so far has avoided a scientific inspection of Magola´s abilities)."

    Randi is avoiding him!

    Seriously, what a joke.

  7. Yes it is Telekinesis...And Randi won't give Miroslaw the $1 million because he knows it is not fake what he is doing. Randi doesn't want to embarrass himself!

  8. It isn't possible to tell for sure from the pictures and videos, but my guess is probably not. The "magnetic" claim could be confirmed or disconfirmed very easily with a simple magnetometer.

    Such claims are usually (but not always) bogus or mistaken. Most extremely strong claims, especially those involving psychokinesis (PK) and appearing in YouTube clips or equivalent, are hoaxes. While there is sound evidence for PK, the effects are very rarely as robust as those shown in such videos.

  9. Yes, he is just in denial.

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