my boss asked me to translate a prefabricated phone conversation from German into Englisch.
Now that I finished, I am very doubtful about it and I think there are many mistakes.
If anyone of you has got some free time, I would be very happy if you take a look at the text.
Just to check if the expressions, the word order times...etc are right.
For some expressions I wrote two options, you can delete the wrong one. (example: start of the construction/construction start)
thank you very very much!!!!
here the text:(sorry that it is so long)
Mr./Mrs. ........, the reason why I am calling is the following: On our internet portal architects.com wie inform future building owners and investors – finally every decision maker who is concerned with the construction, very extensive about the actual construction happenings /edificial events(?). Moreover, we adress specificly the architecture offices, civil engineers, authorities as well as naturally the whole public.
In the course of this reporting, on our last editorial session we considered presenting your last project extensive on our website.
For you and the building owner this is absolutely free.
Are you/ Who is the responsible architect of the project ............?
The advantage of this project presentation is, to generally represent the extensive service spectrum of your office.
For sure, our website is visited by decisionmakers of construction departments of banks, insurances, investor groups, future building owners as well as decisive people from Building Authorities and authorities.
Your personal work and surely your personal service spectrum, too, will be apparent for your target group immediately – The future building owner or investor is able to inform his/herself in detail:
Who are the planners concerned and executing speciality firms? What was special about this project? How did you solve this or that?
Before you make any effort, I need some information in advance.
The whole building activity has been very extensive:
In which phase of construction /construction phase(?) are you at the moment?
When was the start of the construction/construction start(?)? When will be the start of the construction?
When will be the end of the construction/construction end?(?)
How high is the construction amount approximately?
Mr./Mrs......., for a detailed presentation of the project we need some information:
An actual specification, drawings, information about special features, for example fronts, copies of press reports, a list of all planners and a register of the craftsmen of involved firms.
Do you already have photos/ model pictures?
Mr./Mrs.......it`s adequate if I have the documents at home the next two weeks, anyway I will send or mail you a cover letter with our complete adress by fax in advance. There you can see everything listed.
Do me a favour and put everything into an envelope or send it informally by email to our editorial office. The adress is info@architecten24.de
Mr./Mrs........ I am looking forward to presenting your project on our website, I wish you all the best with the construction!