
Is this that unhealthy?????

by  |  earlier

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the past couple of days i havent been getting hungry until like seven oclock at night. so throughout the day, i dont eat anything and all i drink most of the time is just a ton of water. im not trying to loose weight or anything or trying to starve myself, im just simply not hungry. but, when i do eat dinner, its ususally a pretty healthy meal. so what im trying to ask is, will i loose weight if i do this??and if so how much do you think i will loose?? and do you think its ok as long as i keep drinking water and eating healthy dinners?? its really hard to force myself to eat when im not hungry.




  1. If you eat a good dinner you'll gain a few healthy pounds.  

  2. You will actually gain weight with this method.  Think of it this way -- by not eating three times a day, you are making your body unsure of when its next meal will come -- so when you do finally eat, your body stores as much fat as it can, just in case the next meal doesn't come soon.

    It is advised that to lose weight, one should eat many very small meals all day long.  This convinces the body not to worry about storing fat, since the next meal is coming very soon.

  3. you'll gain. i kinda do the opposite and ive lose 3 pounds in 2 days.

  4. I've been like that all my life.

    I only eat dinner.

    I've never been sick and I'm probably twice your age.

    But the question is, have you always been like this or is this something new?

    If it's something that's just happening now, then there may be a deeper problem like depression or anxiety or some kind of recent change in your life IE a loss of a loved one or pet, or moving to a new home.

    It could be caused by many things.

    In that case I would consult a doctor.

    If you've always been that way, like I said,( I've never been sick a day in my life) then I wouldn't worry.

    As far as weight goes, I'm 6ft 170.

    So, I don't gain or lose weight.

    Always been the same.

    Ok, you had a flu.

    You'll get back to normal.

    Don't worry about it now.

    After a flu your body needs needs time to re-adjust.

  5. Actually this is the worst habit you can get into, especially if you dinner is within 3 hours of bedtime. The best meal of the Day is BREAKFAST.. it fuels you for the whole day and it important. Please you sound young.. dont start these stupid habits. Eat small amounts if you have to but EAT. because what is going to happen is your body is starving all day and then you eat dinner and ITS GOING TO STORE IT... thats right store it for the next day.. so you will not lose weight... you are are going to get run down and its just all around bad. eat small meals during the day and if you want a big meal than make it breakfast that is a big meal...  

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