
Is this the America the Democrats are looking for?

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I was watching some raw, unedited news footage of the peace loving liberals marching and protesting outside of the Convention yesterday.

They wore bandanna's over their faces and spewed profanity and anti-America slogans.

Is this the Change and Hope that Obama and his followers are pushing for?




  1. *shrugs*

  2. You better believe that is what Obummer means by "change"!

  3. Those people aren't connected to Obama and the Democrats are they?

  4. Nope those are probably the republican brownshirts causing trouble for the democratic party.  

  5. No. Those people are radicals and are protesting against the Democrats. As you point out, they are outside the convention not inside  the convention hall. .  

  6. I dunno... I was just watching Fox News (for the skewed perspective) and they noted how peaceful the demostrations are.

    I've also been watching CNN... I saw nothing like you described.

    Unless you are just plain old gunning to have ANOTHER right taken away... we can still protest on public property in this country.

  7. I take it they are taking vacation days to go to Denver and protest?

  8. Erm...did you say OUTSIDE the convention...

    If you think Democrats are radical then these guys are off the edge apparently...

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