
Is this the Doomsday scenario?

by Guest57410  |  earlier

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Wouldn't it be easy for the Russian Army to just carry on to Warsaw, through Berlin, by-pass Brussels (To avoid EU directives)

go straight to Zeebrugge and catch the ferry to Hull, thereby invading England while our politicians are on holiday and all our troops are in Iraq and Afghanistan and Dad's Army is finished?




  1. Lol, I expect the Ruskies to turn up at Dover imminently

    armed to the teeth with duty free

  2. Hee Hee Very Good Whats Even Worse They Probably Would As Well

  3. Russia will be pulling the plug on Siberian gas for Christmas,....

  4. don't you think those poor russian squaddies have things bad enough without inflicting hull upon them?

  5. i hope not, the football season has just started. they could at least wait until the summer.

  6. The ferries are all booked up in August!!!

  7. I expect the Ukraine to be the next country 'freed' by the Russians.

  8. Any day now.  Best laid plans of  mice and men.  Hitler tried that in 1939 and Hindenberg tried it in 1914.

  9. what are you smoking this morning?

  10. Why would they want to invade the UK? Surely they have enough problems to deal with in Russia without adding Britain and Europe to the list.

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