
Is this the ONLY "page" on this catelgory???Surely NOt!!!?

by  |  earlier

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I don't see a place to go to the next page. Is this a really new category??? I know I just found it...but how long has it been on here?




  1. Also,try Mythology&Folklore.It has some of the same ideas.

  2. I have never seen more than three pages in this section.  Usually it's more like one or two.  It's just Yahoo making more room for questions about Britney Spears and the McCanns.

  3. a while now.

  4. There is only one page of open questions, but over 1400 resolved questions and a page of questions waiting to be voted on.

    I don't know how long the category has been here, but a random check shows questions going back at least 4 months. It's possible that it's a newer category. Also possible is that people ask questions about the paranormal in other categories.

  5. Do you want to see the next page?

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