
Is this the THIN EDGE OF THE WEDGE for sharia law in Britain?

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  1. Your labour party owes the moslems so much money from donations and non-payback loans that they are selling them your country a little bit at a time.

    Now your children are being forced to worship the moslem god in school, it is time to let your voices be raised in anger until the very government shakes in fear, then they will listen to the will of the people, start shouting.

  2. I hope so!One Country;One Law!British!!

  3. why the h**l should we have it in the uk ?? do we go to other countrys and try and impose our laws on them ? NO, i just come back rom hols in greece, was i ranting that they should drive on the left like us in uk ? no, if you go to another country you abide by their laws, if you dont like it GET OUT

  4. There is no plan for these laws to 'take over' in this country. We already have some Jewish laws that pertain only to the Jewish community. All they want to do is let marriage and some family things be sorted out. It does not mean everything will be affected. So no, it is not the thin edge of the wedge! People are reacting as if it's the end of the world. Chill out.

  5. Dont like the sound of it.  No-one has explained in detail how sharia law or standard English law would be chosen in any given situation.

    Mind you, most of New Labour's laws have been c**p.

  6. Sharia law should not be introduced in the UK for the simple reason that there is nothing wrong with our current legal system (only the politicians who take it and mess it up so ten years becomes three).

    Don't fix something if it's not broken....

  7. You're missing the real danger.

    Don't let fear of foreigners make you think that a few *minority* nuts actually have a chance to put their religious foolishness into effect as law just because it's being considered for ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION.

    The real danger is the *majority* religion nuts.

    Keep your eye on the Christians.

    I live in the U.S. I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT.

  8. No, if you look up mediation you'll find that although effective in some kinds of disputes it literally is only talk, to put any power behind it would change the nature of the beast to negotiation, arbitration or consultation even.

  9. It's the biginning of an horrible nightmare!!

  10. I think so.  If they want Sharia law, they should have a religious court system make decisions when both parties are in agreement.  This could cover the types of cases that go to small claims court.  I know that ultra-orthodox Jews have done this for centuries.  However, for any felony or for a case where the general peace has been broken, or for cases which involve those who don't want to participate, the law of the country, locality must prevail.  Child welfare should be the concern of the state when any harm can come to a child, including psychological harm.  What is banned by the nation (multiple wives, for example) would be banned for everyone.

    Just like when a minister marries a couple, the state issues the marriage license and the minister performs a ceremony that is recognized by both the state and the church.  Paperwork is turned into the state so the marriage goes into the public record.

    When you live in a certain locality or commit a crime there, the laws of that locality prevail.

  11. yes i quite agree with you like so many others.we are run by megalomaniac Scot and be for

    e him.they just dont want us english.only scotland and fundermentalist muslim friends.they want us all like them .but if every one stops eating at their curry houses and shopping

    from them then they will soon depart and with  

    a bit of luck the demigods with them

  12. it started the day idi amin kicked them out  out of uganda he knew what was coming thats why he did what he did

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