
Is this the TRUTH about Sarah Palin ? What do you think ? ?

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Wow i just finished reading this and they made some good points about that Sarah Palin was lying about her pregnancy and that her child is really her grandchild ! I am not saying its true but i just wanted to know what you guys thought ? Wasn't it weird that she broke her water in texas then gave a speech thennnn flew all the way to alaska to have her baby ? I am not sure but isn't a flight from Texas to Alaska over 6 hours ? Something is fishy to me ! Do you think is bs or do do you think the shi_t is going to hit the fan ?

the article





  1. Very interesting article. There are lots of question that should be answered. Why give a speech if your water broker or fly back to the Matanuska valley if you could go to a major hospital and your water was leaking... I cant explain it. Look at the photos the daughter looks chubbier, plus she's 16..was excused from school... and all the kids still live at know it will be easy to fact check..I wouldnt be surprised to hear more abou this...there is going to be a lot of scrutiny towards a female candidate with an infant and special needs...or there should be...

  2. i think an investigation , with people placed under oath, is needed.

    kenneth starr is available.

  3. Palin is a complete idiot, but there are tons of better REAL ISSUES to slime her with than this garbage.

  4. Obama wants to raise taxes and kill babies.

    Palin wants to raise babies and kill taxes

  5. It's another lie being told by liberal hypocrites who scream about diversity yet try to crucify a woman who is breaking the glass ceiling.

  6. You are living proof that Democrats are scared of Governor Palin. You all are spewing endless diversions and saying nothing at all about real issues!

    She took that flight to be with her husband and her doctor when the baby was born. There's nothing "fishy" about that.

    President McCain

  7. let me guess you are a dem..its many 16 year old mothers do you know that have had a downs syndrome baby and knew it before it was born? and ask yourself how many 44 year old  mothers have had a downs syndrome baby and knew it before it was born...there is no reason to have done an amnio on the 16 year old...there was every reason to do one on sarah...its all bs let it go

  8. Honestly? I'm a democrat, and I think it's quite likely that she was pregnant.

    It's her fifth child. She knew how long it would be until she went into labor. It's her business why she didn't tell her staff--maybe she was planning for minimal time off.

    And, as has been mentioned, she knew the kid would have Downs'. Women are more likely to get chromosomal errors like Downs' from their eggs as they age. Very young women are less likely and would not be tested.  

  9. Well, it may not be true. But all the details except the ones about her daughter were confirmed by the Anchorage Daily News in April. If Trig is her baby, it was certainly irresponsible and possibly child endangerment to wait after her water broke, give the half-hour speech in Texas, take an eight-hour flight home to Alaska with a stopover, and then go for the birth to a minimally equipped regional hospital instead of the urban one where she landed. Taking chances like that almost makes you think she wanted to lose that Downs baby. Either way, not so well done, Sarah.

  10. We have nobody to vote for this year so it doesn't matter. Vote for who you think is the lesser of two evils. I'm a Democrat, but I'll choose McCain this year. I refuse to vote for a terrorist.

  11. It's a very uncomfortable story either way.

  12. You got that from the dailykos?  That explains it... no it is NOT the truth!  

    PS, you should stop reading that site.

  13. I think it is odd that a woman would claim that her water broke and her response was to get on an airplane. Also, a woman who has had four children would know that labor is often faster with the later children. However, I don't want to rush to judgment without proof. I also think it's weird that there aren't a lot of pictures of her with the baby, and that she is fine just taking off and leaving. My daughter and daughter in law were always holding their babies, and mine were in my arms more often than not.

  14. It's BS.  Daily Kos is a blog.  The article in your question is a lunatic's OPINION.  He had no proof other than what he wants to believe.  Those supporting and spreading this rumor are just as vile.

  15. I'm from Alaska.  I can verify that Sarah Palin was indeed pregnant.  I know her and can vouch for her.  

    Quit getting your information from news sources that try to make people look bad and do some independent research.  That way you'll look good too by knowing the facts.

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