
Is this the answer as to why people join gangs.?

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Because that is the route that strong large more advanced people have used to access their own power.What is Govt, if not the strongest Gang? They have thier own enforcers, their own Pr opagandists,their own affiliated groups, punishment regiemes,

prospectors,initiation processes, etc, they also show no tolerance for any challenges from rival "gangs", and have Soldiers prepared to go anywhere and fight at a moments notice. They shakedown citizens for protection money, (taxes)

and demand money with menaces if you dont pay. We all live in "Gangland", whether we prefer to call it Democracy, or freedom or whatever. Strike the scales from your eyes dude, its all the same thing. The only good Govt. is Self Govt!




  1. wow i never saw it that way before ..but survival of the fittest . dam it why cant we all just get along

  2. Thats practically the answer however I prefer to call it the SYSTEM !!

    whether System is liberal DEMOCRATIC or OPRESSIVE REGIME

    Its still is a system and as such both produce their regimes and ofcourse humilate or kill their enemies yes Quest for power but also poverty and impossible's of live in other circustances !! For example broken familly and evrybody sees you as a criminal produces in time some Gang members  THE EARTH IS A GANGLAND youre right of course !!

  3. I think it's to do with populist ethnic culture, which is all pervasive as an influence on young people today.

  4. Better watch it, the government will plant Aids in your community.

  5. When the colored people riot why do they burn down the colored part of there town ????? Where are the colored kids family support units????? (Prison doesn't count.)

  6. yes, you make a good point, now go onto google, type in Mugabe, and click images at the top left.

    choose one. there are hundreds!!

    haha grump56.. do you really think that? So what, someone's planted it in africa to destroy millions of people?! yeah right! get over it, the govt. just doesn't care about you. it's lack of education and the whole "dont give a d**n" culture that spreads aids

  7. Yeah, whatever!

  8. silly

  9. No, young teens that are most likely to join a gang are those with a baby's daddy but no active father. The breakdown of the family which is caused by teenage unwed mothers and absent fathers is the root cause.

    These impressionable young people lack a decent role model .

    I agree people need to scratch the scales from their eyes, but then they need to look in the mirror.

    Blaming others is easy.

  10. Yes, that is certainly one answer to why people join gangs. And our democratic government is the only form of government that prooves effective. However, there are also more reasons for gangs.

  11. Ok... now what's your solution?

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