
Is this the answer to global warming?

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How about we drop a giant ice cube in the ocean?

we could then take the hot water, and launch it into space towards mars (to keep sea levels the same height)

what do you think of my original idea that i did not steal from a cartoon, is it the answer?




  1. o sure {futurama} any way possiable but not plausible to do

  2. Ummm......No

  3. very original, I like it

    you'll have fun here mag.

  4. Gee - It would work if you only had some sort of bending robot to help you.......

  5. It makes me sad.  It's hard to believe there are so many people who's lives are so useless they have nothing better to do with their time than to come to an area like this and try to annoy the people who are there because they care about the topic.  I can believe you have nothing of a positive nature in your own existence, but how does negative behavior help that?

  6. i dont no much but it soulds like a good idea

  7. this is a great idea why aren't you the president

  8. Nope. Huge blocks of ice are already falling into the ocean (icebergs) which explains why it gets really cold at times up north.

    I don't think Mars is capable of retaining water...but I have heard (a few times) that Europa (one of Jupiter's moons) is very similar to earth (it has water...not sure about temp.)

    Edit: You should have more faith in people ;-) (Do you really think there aren't enough to affect temp change?)

  9. wouldn't it make sense to take that sea water, boil it, distill it and then send it to Georgia where they still are in a drought?

    That would take care of too much water, while sending it where it's needed/

    Alas that makes too much sense for our way of life doesn't it?

  10. wow youre so dumb

  11. That's great, but full credit to the creators of Futurama, The Simpsons and South Park for giving the AGW theories the respect they deserve.  

    The IPCC is not some sacred cow that can never be criticised.

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