
Is this the best Creationist Argument you have ever heard?

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fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a LULZ overload.

You can interpret 'best' however you like

If you know of a better/funnier one please post a link! :)




  1. WOW that guy is an idiot!  He doesn't even know the big bang theory or any concept of evolution.  He expects things to happen overnight.

    As for the round planets, well, when everything is a gas, gravity is going to cause it to form a round planet or star.  We can see this with drops of water in space, since water is attracted to water. It forms a round sphere.

    And we know how tornadoes form.  Its the same as unplugging a sink.  When hot low dense air happens to move underneath cold high dense air, it of course is going to switch places.  And the way it does, is to form a spinning funnel.  Just like unplugging a sink full of water.

  2. that was amusing, thanks.  i like how he starts off with a topic that has nothing to do with evolution.  what a moron.

  3. How about the same guy, part 2 of the same video!

    He's not getting any smarter!

    and in this one we get threats of h**l too!


    Was Darwin Right?

    Excerpts of Dr Tony Morrison's lecture where he examines the fossil record and considers how the evidence has been interpreted and whether or not the evidence supports a Darwinian view of life or a Creationist's view. To see the entire lecture go to the 'Answers in Genesis' website and look under media/video on demand.  

  5. I'm a Christian and as soon as he said the S word I turned it off.. Sorry...

  6. Most evolution arguements are pretty laughable.

  7. Is this guy a joke? Someone please tell me this is comedy.

  8. Wow that has to be the stupidest argument ever. I've only taken 9th grade science thus far, and I can still tell you why the Earth is round. That has to be fake, either that or I feel extremely sorry for his children/wife.

    But yeah, my personal fav is "Who made the Big Bang? How does something come from nothing?"

  9. No, this guy seems very sad to me. He complains about atheists and how they have all these theories on evolution and other aspects of life, but then all he has to say in return is "you have no idea" and thats it?

    At least offer your explanantion and disect it the same way Mr Jewish Brainiac.

    Its not good or funny so i would not rate it. Its probably funny to non-atheists but as a general creation argument it is fatally flawed.

  10. wow, God also made doughnuts... and no, the earth is not perfectly round!

    here is the answer to the video, disregard the "red head" stuff.. that's garbage.

  11. Its always entertaining to hear someone whose IQ has not struggled past single figures argue science. Lets face it, if you have not grasped Newton's laws (which this guy clearly has not) then the Big Bang is going to be a bit beyond you.

  12. WOW!!!! That's all I can say. Oh, and LMAO!

    "bet if I put stick o' dynamite in bowlin bawl, i don't find no round pieces yall! you think yo better than yo momma?" hahahaha!

  13. What's scary is,he could be my twin brother! That'd be fun,as I am an atheist.

  14. Your asking people who believe the earth is 6000yrs old and dinosaurs were killed in Noah's flood to use logic good luck with that. Stupid is as christian does what a load of gumps

  15. Consider this

    Mysteries In Science

    The Young Age of the Earth

    The Origin of Man by Dr. Duane Gish

    The Origins of Life

    Evolution: Challenge of the Fossil Record - Part 1 of 6

    Skull Fossils - As Empty as the Evolutionary Theory

    Neanderthals - Smarter Then We Thought

    Dinosaurs: Those Terrible Lizards

    Atheist's NightMare: Evolution

    Our Solar System: Evidence For Creation

  16. The worrying thing is that this chap is allowed to vote and operate complex machinery.

    How come the education system and society failed so dismally with him?

  17. Has to be a spoof. No-one can be that stupid.

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