
Is this the best logical way to think ?

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Is this the best way to get a conclusion ?

Searching for the good and the bad points and putting them next to eachother, looking at it without choosing a perspective to agree with but from the perspectives of everyone that has anything to do with the subject

Also see the concequences of things and the concequences of that and so on....

With that don't let personal feelings/thoughts or stereotypes about people get in the way because that could ruin your opinion

Always keep the opinion you gained from this way of thinking open for new good or bad points so you can change it so you won't look like a fool and have it wrong because you want to keep it the way it is.

How to decide if something is good or bad ? Most of the time a human can do that by himself but else you use this way of thinking on the subject

Is the way I say people should think any good ?




  1. not meaning to be argumentative (not expecting thumbs up or down, or points), but:

    There is no such thing as "best" logic. If you are asking whether this a good way to make decisions I would agree that it is. If you are asking if this method can be arrived at through logic, or is logical you are asking to have your conclusions analyzed (you have not stated the premises on which your conclusions are based).

    I'm not trying to be elitist . . . . just trying to figure out what you are asking.

    Yaoi is right on the money!

  2. First, abandom dichotomies. Second, realize your connection with the past and present and everyone else. Then you can start analysis.

  3. Employ the Brain-storming process of problem-solving.

    Form a group of persons involved in a particular problem. State the problem clearly, discuss about all the causes and effects, and brain-storm for ideas for possible solutions.  Jot all these down on a big board for all to see, and do not criticize anyone at all. Only by a creative process of thinking by entertaining all ideas--seemingly silly, impossible or clever--can a ultimate solution be arrived at.Think 'out-of-the-box' as some would say.


  4. I like it.

  5. ~I agree... This is how people should think with nothing intefering with your thougths or judgements what so ever... Good way of explaing it i totally understand what is it that your trying to say!~

  6. You bring up the spiritual aspects of choosing a right answer. But before you can get there, you are automatically using nature's own rules of human logic. Start there.

    Understand this: there are exactly 256 ways of using deductive logic. Only 15 of them are valid. If you choose one that is not valid, all your spiritual aspects will have no purpose, and will be wrong.

  7. I like to think using the "Six Thinking Hat" technique.

    It helps you look at important decisions from a number of different perspectives. This way, you can fully understand the complexity of a problem before jumping into conclusions.

    White: Thinking in terms of "Now" and the present.

    Red: Thinking in terms of gut feelings and emotion.

    Black: Defensive thinking. also called pessimist thinking because you concentrate on what might go wrong, and you think of the flaws that might emerge.

    Yellow: Optimistic/positive thinking. You think of all the positive outcomes of the decision you are making.

    Green: The creative hat. You think of other ways to solve a problem.


    The Blue Hat stands for process control. This is the hat worn by people chairing meetings, or the hat you should first wear when you ponder something. When running into difficulties because ideas are running dry, they may direct activity into Green Hat thinking. When contingency plans are needed, they will ask for Black Hat thinking, and so on.

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