
Is this the best move Bettman has made?

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Muzzling Burke and Lowe? Thanks for the peace and quite Gary.




  1. He should have muzzled Burke last year.  Only when Lowe fought back did he step in.  

    Burke must have a load of dirt on Bettman.

  2. I think they're both a little too full of themselves.  I don't much like Gary Bettman, but these guys just needed to shut the h**l up.  Their arguments just seemed so juvenile.  "He won a Stanley Cup?  Great, I've won six?  Do you want to count rings?"  Who says that?  What a douche bag.  When GMs start talking like that it doesn't say much good about the franchise (Ducks aren't much of a classy organization to begin with).  However, it could make for an interesting rivarly.  Too bad nobody cares about either team.

  3. they are to full of themselves

  4. Actually I think it was quite entertaining watching the two GM's have at it.  Now however though I think that it is awfully ironic that Burke was beaking off at Lowe for a year now and Kevin Lowe pretty much took it.  Finally Kevin Lowe fights back and only now is it necessary for Bettman  to step in. If he was gonna do anything it shoulda been a long time ago against Burke.  But perhaps they are a little buddy buddy.  Nonetheless what Kevin Lowe said about Burke is right and I'm sure the average leafs fan wants absolutely nothing to do with him in Toronto.  Brian Burke is a joke and now hopefully he'll find something better to do like run Anaheims team into the ground like he did in Vancouver.   Oh wait I think he's already started. :) Great signing with Morrison.  lol.  As for Kevin Lowe changing the market well I don't think you can blame only him.  And besides Vanek and Penner were both good young talent that would have fit in with Edmonton.  Dustin Penner was the leading goalscorer for the Oilers last year so you tell me if he earned his money.  Anyways hopefully this hatchet is burried for good now.

  5. The sad thing is that this fued does not even make the US tv market, but if this were Steinbrenner, Cashman, Theo Epstien, it would be the top story on Espn. Both of these guys are being Knuckleheads, and Bettman, has every right to gag them, worry about your own team and your own market and give it a rest, Edmonton has made many improvements...Let the players do the talking come October.

  6. As much as I hate to say this, Bettman was right for telling Burke and Lowe to keep quiet. For hockey, it's better for business. If the two were just slinging mud at eachother, that's one thing---but to start bashing the media markets etc., it's time to keep quiet.

    In the United States, a good publisized GM fight would be awesome and could possibly get more people involved---taking more interest in the sport. But, it's the United States---no one cares, unfortunately.

  7. Yeah, one of the few things has done correctly.

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