
Is this the best video showing Kobe's amazing career highlights!!?

by  |  earlier

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this video helped me a lot about understanding Kobe, as a player and a person. check it out. the highlights are incredible.




  1. You are officially the most annoying YA member.

  2. Is that all you got hater.  C'mon hater give me 10 more questions about Kobe hate.  I want them on this board stat.  Get your google search engine running and find more negative stuff on kobe stat hater.

  3. that **** is wakk get off kobe d**k u wish u were him and u r definetely not to become first lady

  4. No, its the video he made inside the room.

  5. you must be so exciting taking over your dad's hotdog stand, oops, I mean hotdog company at the age of 35.

  6. next question please!

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