
Is this the best wrestling tribute ever?

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  1. you are a bad bad man! your punishment is to nurse cena back to health.

  2. The part that was the funniest was Cena wants to lear tackle but can learn more than four moves. That was funny as h**l. Wrong but funny.

  3. This is so rude and disrespectful this man has worked his behind off for you people EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!!!!! of his life and you do this I think it's just immature that you would do something like this he is injured badly and hurt more than you realize Cena has had so muche critism throughout his career but at the end he is still John Cena and that's why I respect him and he's my inspiration to be a winner a champion a wrestler and a person who's mature and has respect which is something you don't have respect I'm done talking.


  4. YOU MAKE ME SICK! Just because you don't like Cena, doesn't mean you should make him look like an idiot in a stupid video.

    P.S. I'm not a huge Cena fan either, BUT YOU, YOU DISGUST ME!      l:  (

  5. I don't watch wrestling but i know who John Cena is and lol thats pretty funny

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