
Is this the earliest example of humans upsetting an ecosystem?

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"New Giant Clam Found; May Have Fed Early Humans"




  1. some good info,

    thanks for posting this.

    it may be one of the earliest that we can prove .

    but I`m sure ,man has been greedy in many situations with singular local species.

    Probably taking as much as possible, when the opportunities arose

    such as small ponds,

  2. why isn't it normal.  Lions eat Gnu's so do they upset, birds eat seeds that could become plant, who gets to decide what is an upset to the ecosystem, are we all not part of it.


    you can get much information in this website, If you will check anyone blue link in website.

  4. the difference is, now we know.

    then we didn't.

    when i was a kid, lead paint was the rule.

    it worked well.

    and lasted a long time.

    we had an asbestos hot pad on the dining room table when i was a kid.

    there's no doubt we've wiped out many species in our history.

    i have to assume that other species have done the same, just trying to survive.

    while it may be the earliest at the moment, i'd assume that there were more, and earlier.

    again, it's different when you know, and when you don't know.

  5. Having read the artical you prescribed, it does seem that  nothing changes. If those people were reliant on their harvest, and suddenly their harvest runs dry, then, what else can they do , but to emigrate. We see the same thing happening in the North Sea, we have had the cod war with Iceland, The problem is recognised by the european court, Limits have been set on quota's of particular types of fish that can be caught, and of course the size matters. Yes humans do upset the eco-system, this is called GREED In these fishing fields there is so much waste, everything and anything can be trawled in those nets and the live "I don't you's" are thrown back to the seas. We, humans are contributing to the destruction of our world.  .  

  6. The Minnesota Science Museum has a board display of clam shells  (the museum overlooks the Mississippi River) with a description of how many of them have become extinct since the Indians lived on the shores. I can't remember the numbers, but it's something like only 15% remaining, with most of the extinctions occurring in modern times.

    110,000 years ago is a long time, so I would gather your example is the oldest current example of ecological destruction caused by man. (It is only 10,000 years ago that they figure man killed off the mastadons with the atlatl.)


  7. So if the earth is still alive after 4.6 billion years, humans have destroyed it in 2000 year?. Ever think that maybe the earth gave rise to humans because it wanted things such as styrofoam, more carbon dioxide, and a thinner ozone. The earth will out live us, trust me.

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