
Is this the end for HD-DVD???

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now that walmart, blockbuster, and netflix will back only blu ray is the format war finally over?? so i can go buy a blu-ray player




  1. I would say yes the format war is over.  Though I would wait to purchase a Blue-Ray player.  Right now they are still high priced.  As they start to increase in number on the market the price for them should drop.  I would say give it up to 6 months, then the price should be in the range of reasonable.

  2. I think that the HD DVD will only live on in computers. It is obvious that blu-ray has won. Is this the final battle?

    Do you know of a person that can play Blu-Ray on their computer? This is the only save that there is for HD DVD. It is stupid to have to change eveything over to blu-ray, we already have HD-DVD players. When I record an HD show from my TiVo I record it to HD DVD. I have no way right now to record the HD TiVo onto a blu-ray.

  3. yep!  watch the prices.

  4. Yep.  I bought an HD-DVD player at Christmas and told my wife that that meant Blu-ray would win.  A couple months later, that seems to be true.

    Toshiba has announced that they will halt production on HD-DVD:

    I still have some movies and TV shows on HD-DVD that I purchased and it is an awfully nice upscaling DVD player.  With all the free movies I got, I figure I only ended up paying about $50-$70 more than an upscaling DVD player.

    I also figured that in another year, Blu-ray players would be available for $200 - $250 and so $185 (for HD-DVD) + $200 for a 3rd or 4th generation Blu-ray in the near future would be the same as spending $399 for a Blu-ray player back at Christmas time.

    Yeah, go ahead and buy the Blu-ray.  The war is over.

    P.S.  You forgot to mention that Warner announced they would discontinue HD-DVD production and only do Bluray from now on.

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