
Is this the end for Ireland?

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what has happened to their team? I read Leamy left his mates. who will be the next? what is going to happen to Eddie O'Sullivan? what do you think of their 6 Nations Tournament this year?




  1. Old Welsh Guy- Totally agree!!-Granted , Ireland's best players were injured! Namely, O'Driscoll, O'Darcy, Dempsey and Murphy was taken off with a new injury after just recovering from one! O'Gara was made captain, BUT he can not inspire the team like Brian O' Driscoll!! O'Gara loses his temper big time and does not think ahead as methodically as O'Driscoll!! I also think Peter Stringer should have been starting! He is like a terrier compared to Reddan!

    Ireland need a coach with fresh ideas including bringing in up and coming  new young players to add to the squad, as we have done!! I.E. James Hook!!

  2. NO WAY!! everyone has their off -season, its never the end of ireland, one of the top 5 teams in the world.

  3. no it is not the end of ireland, and being welsh, how do you think i feel about the tournament, wales, wales,wales

  4. Still got the Rugby League World cup in October

  5. They will hit back.just wait

  6. its the end for this generation and what a waste. we had players who would get into any team in the world, d'arcy, o'driscoll, o'connell, horgan and murphy but they have been wasted. they should have done so much better. no offense to any welsh people but we had better players, they had a better coach. i think george hook got it right when he said that the best irish players in a long time have been beaten by a team of english kids, or something like that

  7. The Six Nations tournament was just really an extension of your form in the World Cup.

    You need to get rid of EOS in my opinion.

    You've had a good team in the past half-dozen years or so. Unfortunately, some of those players have faded, or been shown up by better younger players, and EOS was not the man to nurture a growing and evolving team. Form players were not picked, and your XV was never really challenged. Thus the poor performance at the World Cup.

    If a new coach can come in and pick some of the form players (you'll know better than me, but Leinster's back row have impressed me in the ML), then I think the team will push themselves into contenders again. A good coach with vision can see when a team needs rejuvenating and can challenge them to constant improvements.

  8. Warren Gatland was the coach of Ireland, it was HE that put in place the winning mentality, it was HE that put in place the infrastruture and processes needed to produce players.

    Warren was shafted big time by the IRU, ahen after winning 9 of his last 11 matches, it was decided that Warren was not Irish enough for them, so they didn't renew gatlands contract, making EOS head coach instead.

    EOS is simply not up to the task, and Ireland have gradually gone down and down with him in charge. There is MASSIVE distrust and dislike of EOS between the provinces, something an outsider doesn't have to deal with.

    gatland on the other hand, being a poor coach, went on to coach Wasps to a European cup win and a couple of GP wins, Waikato to a championship win, and Wales to  grand Slam!

    Now What do YOU think happened to their team :-)

  9. Ireland were awful this year thank goodness. Now that's got rid of O'Sullivan. We can get a decent coach in now who will look at ALL of our players - not just those in Ireland. Someone with new ideas too.

  10. What happened to them, I just couldn't figure it out. Scotland was plagued by injuries to key players -- losing one Lamont was a blow, both was devastating.

    But I'm not going to write off Ireland by any means. Look at the way that Wales turned themselves around and how quickly.

    I really hope that Ireland gets themselves together and soon.

  11. Not the end, just the start of a new chapter thats all. Eddie O Sullivan wasted his squads talents and had to go.

    'Golden generations' should be winning Grand Slams and World cups, not settling for triple crowns

  12. Need new blood  in there with both Players and coach!

    BOD is past his best, he has been awesome for Ireland, but there comes a time to hang up boots!

    EOS has done the right thing and gone!

    You need to do what Wales and France are doing, bring in young hungry players and discipline.......the Irish lack this big time, what Jackman did to Ryan Jones was inexcusable, how the feck he was not cited for this is unfeckingbelievable!

    He can count himself lucky Wales are not a team to complain!

  13. No...Ireland are a great rugby nation, they will return...

  14. no, but we need to blood young players, and fast.the team to face the barbarians in may should be:

    1. Marcus Horan/Cian Healy

    2. Rory Best

    3. Tony Buckley.Mike Ross

    4. Donncha O'Callaghan/Leo Cullen

    5. Paul O'Connell/Ryan Caldwell

    6. Denis Leamy

    7. Shane Jennings

    8. Jamie Heaslip

    9. Paul Marshall

    10. John Sexton

    11. Tommy Bowe

    12. Andrew Trimble

    13. Luke Fitzgerald

    14. John Murphy/Simon Keogh

    15. Robert Kearney

    We need to start preparing for life without the darcys and o'driscolls and the babas match is an ideal match to blood some talented youngsters.eddie didn'y blood enough young players and we paid the price against england, when many of our 1st team was injured.

    we need to bring back the importance of the AIL League by scrapping "A" interprovincials and shortening the numbers in the top AIL league.this will help younger players to get more top quality exposure.

    we need to actually use connacht as a development province for young irish players who don't get a look in at their province and finally we need to get the IRFU run by professionals who know rugby.we need one man in the IRFU to be responsible for the selection of coaches rather than stupid sub-commitees.

    Communication between the provinces and national team must be renewed and the number of foreigners allowed to play for the provinces should be cut by one i.e Kevin McLaughlin gets in ahead of a foreigner not that much better than him - Cameron Jowitt. This will result in better development of younger players.

  15. its never the end . the current crop of players may have played there best rugby but i bo think that new coaching staff can revamp the camp.

    declan kidney will surely be offered the position but will he accept?

  16. Ireland will NEVER give up!

  17. Ireland when they are on form are world class,in the 6 nations this year they were just........... unlucky.

  18. We didn't have a great 6 nations but now that Eddie O'Sullivan is gone we can finally build this team to it's full potential!

    I can't see Kidney taking the job though, Munster are playing unreal rugby. If he coached Ireland it could be a step down for him


  19. The weird thing about rugby is that a team can get humped in one tournament and then win the next one. Like after England won the world cup, they went on this huge streak of getting hammered. so it won't be the end. They'll probably win the 6 nations next year.

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