
Is this the end of the Clinton dynasty?

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Are we witnessing the political life of Hillary in its death throes?

Is Obama the next JFK, giving hope to Democrats everywhere?

Are you going to report this question, just because you work for Hillary's campaign?




  1. I think at this point its to early to say.

  2. What dynasty? There' sonly 2 of them. Obama is a Muslim sympathizer. No.

  3. Hillary would even agree with that and have a speech written to that effect if she thought it would get her votes.

  4. There is no Clinton dynasty.  Only one Clinton has ever been president.  And that was 7 years ago.

    And you're a dork ... no one thought you were black because you like Obama ... the picture you chose to represent yourself with makes it look like you are black.

  5. No.  She is still a senator in New York.  Actually, even though she is apt to not be the nominee, she has made an excellent showing and has a lot of support around the country including mine.  I personally am scared to death of Obama's ties.  I would never vote for him.

    No I wouldn't report you for having a different opinion.  You have a lot of company in your views.

  6. No, Hillary can still run next time if Barak Hussein Osama hasn't run us completely into the ground. Also, Chelsea...

  7. The good thing is Hillary will most likely not be representing the Democrats in the general elections; that comes down however to a choice between two candidates and in my estimation, although I like listening to Obama, neither one are presidential material. But then neither is McCain. When Biden dropped out the democrats lost their best bet but he knew he was up against two novelties. When Romney dropped out the Republicans lost their best bet. We are not left with maybe not the worst but far from the best.

  8. I love how minorities so quickly jumped ship. 2 years ago the majority of blacks would say the Clintons are their best friends. How quickly they turn on people. How intellectually dishonest. And I don't even like Clinton. Point is, reverse racism is all over the place, but one side fails to admit their part it in.

  9. yes, its the end. She has only two options, retreat, or make Obama even more like JFK than anyone wants him to be.

    If she does that, she will likely lose the support of all but her most rabid loyalists.

  10. One can (even must) hope we're seeing the end of the Clintons. Not sure what Obama is yet other than long on talk and short on accomplishments.

  11. Yes, our 20 years under Bush/Clinton rule are coming to an end.

  12. No. To all of your questions.

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