
Is this the first time the US lost the Olympic gold medal count?

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Is this the first time the US lost the Olympic gold medal count?




  1. No, used to finish below the USSR and East Germany on a regular basis.  

  2. If the medal count reflected the actual number of medals given out, the US won more gold then any other nation. For example, in basketball, a medal was given to each member of the team for a total of 12 medals. In the current system of counting medals, basketball as a sport counts the same as an individual sport such as the boxing. In fact, based on medals actually physically awarded, many more American athletes received gold medals in Beijing. If you take just 3 of team sports (Woman's soccer, All Basketball and Men's Volleyball), 48 American athletes received gold medals in these sports but they only count a 4 medals in the "medal count". You can continue the team discussion when you look at the track relays and rowing events as well. There are at least 60 US gold medals missing if you look at the true count.  It is also interesting to note while everyone is focused on China's gold medal count, it is interesting to note they failed to get a single gold medal in track and field which are the traditional Olympic events.

    I would not put too much emphasis on "medal count" as it has been in the past and currently embraced by those who don't like to see the US on top.  

  3. Nope. USA would regularly finish lower than the USSR and East  Germany as those countries would send professionals that were all pumped up on steroids. Don't you remember that some of those East German women had nicer mustaches than a good number of men?  

  4. :( You'll actually be surprised at how many times the U.S. was beat in the gold medal count; they were beat over half the time in the Olympic Games. See for yourself.


    1900 - France 26 | U.S. 19

    1908 - Britain 56 | U.S. 23

    1936 - Germany 33 | U.S. 24

    1956 - Soviet Union 37 | U.S. 32

    1960 - Soviet Union 43 | U.S. 34

    1972 - Soviet Union 50 | U.S. 33

    1976 - Soviet Union 49 | U.S. 34

    1980 - U.S. Boycott

    1988 - Soviet Union 55 | East Germany 37 | U.S. 36

    1992 - Former Soviet Union 45 | U.S. 37

    2008 - China 51 | U.S. 36

  5. No Russia(soviet union) and Germany usually lead the olympic.

  6. No, but it is the first time since 1992 when a Unified team (former USSR republics) came first.

    And before that in 1988 they came third after the USSR and East Germany.

  7. "I would not put too much emphasis on "medal count" as it has been in the past and currently embraced by those who don't like to see the US on top."

    And also embraced by the US when they are top to show how great they are. Not this time losers.  

  8. OMG no. They've only led it the last 3 times.

    They've only finished lower than 2nd once though. (3rd in '88 behind USSR and East Germany)

  9. i hope not

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