I was using the space option on Google Earth. I wanted to try out that Iras Infrared option.. Anyway, I was looking at Leo and on the bottom right hand side of Leo, there is this bright ball. What is this?? Why is it the only thing that looks like this??? I know Iras was sent up to look for the famous "Planet X". Could this be what everyone is claiming?? I found out that Iras won't pick up on planets, only stars.. so it can't be an actual planet, but they say that Nibiru is what orbits a brown dwarf star.. Here are the coordinates.. Let me know what you think. Also, you can't see it without Iras. So go to the menu on the left hand side and under the layers section, there is a "Featured Observatory". Click on that, then go to Iras and double click Iras to make sure both of the Iras options are checked..Happy hunting...
RA: 09h48m00s
Dec: 13:15:51