
Is this the new centre for moslem terrorists in Londonistan?.. and should it be allowed to be built?

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  1. Another victim of yellow-journalism and deluded paranoia.

    Don't you have anything better to do than spread your bigotry?

  2. muslims dnt carry plague thats the people like u

  3. Ye it will be Londonistan

    They try to weaken our faith by telling us our G-d and  Alha is one and the same G-d

    But me I don't believe them and know it is the Antichrist that try to put us down

    So as the so called Christians of England can't see it I'm sorry for them when they realize it , it will be to late

  4. Better ask Osama Bin Brown that one, afterall we don't have any say in this country!

  5. English terrorist's should blow it up before the Muslim's congregate in there and start making plans to take over the rest of the country like they have London.

  6. Learn history as england and the UK have good relations with many moslem countrys and states in the east .Back in 1938 Egypt ,IRAQ and other states where in good relation with the UK and england becuase of this many moslem from different countrys and states in the east settled in england .Know the truth as the truth will set you free.Pigs blood is liked by the chinese so do not waste it sell it to the chinese.David.

  7. You English are so cool, Sir Frances Drake played bowls while the Spanish Armada was sighted and now you are all sat around sipping your tea or your pint of bitter, acting as if nothing is going happening.

    The moslems are taking over your country and they are mocking you while they do it. Gorden Browns corrupt labour party is handing it to them on a plate and they are laughing all the way to the bank while they do it.

  8. at first , god forgive you for what you said about muslims , i'm a muslim and i thank god every second in my life for this gift. second thing , you said ''terrorists'' , i just wanna you answer me why did u use this word , what did muslims do 47 u , and if we as you say . ..................... prove it . in islam , there's no defference between someone an other . at the end . respects to you .

  9. No objection at all to mosques in London. I am very proud of the one in Regents Park (but wish they'd do something about patching up the gold leaf on the dome).  It would be nice too to have little mosques sprouting up wherever there is an Islamic community to support it.  The important thing is that each mosque, church, shop or pub can integrate itself into the neighbourhood and be an asset, rather than a threat.

    This thing though is a centralised monster.  I am a Roman Catholic, but would be no happier if they were to dedicate it to the Pope, rather than to the Prophet (PBUH).  I hope they refuse it planning permission.

  10. Ha Ha !

                          At least on an overhead  map of London      

                                    X marks the spot !

  11. What are you going to tell them to stop building it.

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