
Is this the only true way to have s*x without getting pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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Close your legs?




  1. lol yep the only way you have 100% chance of not getting pregnant is if you dont have s*x at all.

  2. go and get a IUD coil or the implanon implant.. there are both like 99.8% effective, whereas pill is normally around 96% effective..

    or use pill and a condom (or even 2 at the same time)

  3. Use protection,

    But that's the only fool proof way.^

  4. Anal or oral.

  5. yeah. dont do it

  6. NO!!! He's still going in you...!! which means sperm could still enter you.

    i don't mean to sound off, or blunt in anyway, but the "only true ways to have s*x without getting pregnant" is oral s*x or anal... but normal forms wont cut it.  

  7. Yes.

  8. oral s*x...

    g*y s*x...

    Not trying to be a smart a$$ either

  9. Yup! nothing else is 100%!

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