
Is this the "hot" and "cool" new Disney artist?

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So, I just saw this new music video by some Disney artist, Demi Lovato. I think she was in the movie "Camp Rock".

So, what do you think about her new song?

Is she even worse than the Jonas Brothers?

How long will she last?

Or do you actually like the song?

If so, why? How?

(Sorry for asking another question about some crappy Disney star, I know they get annoying. But I just wanted to alert everyone about Disney's new artist.)




  1. I paused Sevendust for that?

    Someone owes me...big.

  2. *facepalm*

  3. Wow that was horrendous I bet R&P is gonna get flooded with questions about her when the CD drops.

    Thanks for the heads up Wake.

  4. FAIL!!!!!

  5. Yea, she's quickly becoming the latest teen sensation, and her and Miley Cyrus are actually big enemies. But she does have a good voice i think, but to me, she sounds like every other teen singer out there (except taylor swift). i think she'll end up like everybody else that's on disney channel..she'll b famous for a couple years and then nobody will ever hear anything about them again..o well.

  6. *Vomits all over computer screen*!

  7. You call yourselves "True Music lovers?"

    TRUE MUSIC LOVERS DO NOT pick a certain genre.

    TRUE MUSIC LOVERS respect artists.

    Hate the,love them.

    Its music.

    What you "love"!

    Her lyrics and voice is amazing.

    Being a DISNEY star shouldnt change the way you look at her music.

  8. LOLZ@Moses & Pennywise.

    That great about Demi Lovato, that's probably who Mrs Darth will start listening to next.

    Does Anyone have a good length of rope handy?


    To the Person above Me...Nuh Uh, it don't work that way. I DO respect Artists with Talent, however I do NOT respect Prefabricated Pop Tarts Of The Week. Instead of worshipping them You should be worshipping the Faceless Gray Suited Men that created them. All the Disney Artists are pure corporate product, no different than a can of Pepsi.

  9. I think all these Disney channel stars are degrading music and pop culture even more than the rest of the ridiculous celebrities. And That Demi Lavato ***** is a rising star. People wont ******* shut up about her.

  10. I have heard the song before, and it's boring.

    Sounds like typical Disney pop rock.

  11. Sounds like every other Disney pop star, manufactured.

    Uh oh, more Gibson misuse.

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