
Is this the real Shaq?

by  |  earlier

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Cheating on his wife.

Stalking girls in the off-season.

Looking like a fool to rip old team-mates.

Making obscene phone calls

Making BS promises to foolish Phx fans

Dude should be working on his game and getting in shape .

Is must have been killing him to see Kobe bring home the gold!!




  1. No I think you are confused because Shaq did not cheat on his wife she was hiding things from him. Also he dosen't stalk girls. And all that other c**p you are saying is just as dumb as you.  

  2. the only things that are true are that he ripped off old teamates and he's lieing to pheonix fans

  3. Yes that's Shaq!!

  4. Cher Shaq did cheat on his wife and he did make obscen phone calls to his ex girlfriend.So do some research ,you will find this to be true.

    Shaq is out of control !!

  5. yes that's exactly Shaq!!!!
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