
Is this the real truth about the Bush Administration since it comes from a conservative supporter?Quote:Former

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White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan writes in a surprisingly scathing memoir to be published next week that President Bush “veered terribly off course,” was not “open and forthright on Iraq,” and took a “permanent campaign approach” to governing at the expense of candor and competence.




  1. Those of us who long ago figured out what kind of President Dubya is really don't need the corroboration of a former supporter of his . . . but it's nice to have it.

  2. An exaggeration, meant to promote sales of the book.

  3. It depends. A die-hard Bush supporter will continue to insist that it's an exaggeration or full of lies and distortions. A person who is not a supporter will say he didn't go far enough. Still, I'm glad to see some of those who were insiders are now starting to break ranks and say what really happened. The amount of corruption, cronyism, and secrecy in this administration has been truly astounding. I wouldn't be surprised if even more shocking revelations start coming out in the years ahead.

  4. lol.

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