
Is this the reason gas cost so much?

by Guest33844  |  earlier

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Oil is sold on the futures market and one only needs to put down 5% in the hopes that the cost will even be higher - then sell before one needs to come up with the additional 95%. Pension funds are the big buyer of such future funds. If this is so, would the little guy (me) pulling out of such funds help that spiraling inflationary market to drop back to reality of $60 a barrel oil




  1. gas prices are high because the companies are greedy.

    check this out...

    its like the top 100 companies with the highest profits. lol...just look....we're getting raped so that someone can drive a benz

  2. No, it's demand in China and India driving up the prices.

  3. If I know stocks at all, I will predict that the oil futures will be taking a lot of investors to a bath and very soon. oil will go below 10 dollars a barrel again...I know there's an alternative fuel coming very soon.

  4. That's pretty much it. There is NO oil shortage, refineries are refining as fast as they can, but the speculators are doing an Enron.

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