
Is this the right thing to do?

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Hey everyone I need some advice! Badly:( I'm a g*y 31 year old, who is just finding a new relationship after ending a three and a half year one with my ex. So here goes, I'm recently ran into this guy who I've known for years. We've always gotten along and been decent acquaintance's at worst. We hit it off great after not seeing each other for the past two and a half years, granted we were at a bar and had a couple drinks. However Shane as well call him, expressed some feelings for me, and stated that he truly felt he was bi-sexual and was pleased at the fact that I told him pictures didn't do him justice of who he truly was. I have known this guy since he was 16, and we had a awesome time that night. OK that being said no big deal, however this guy just happens to be my little brothers best friend. My little brother is cool with knowing who I am, however I'm not sure how he'd react to me dating/potentially forming a partnership with one of his best friend. I'm not sure where to go with this as my little brother is also the god father of Shane's two children. I really want to give it a go as Shane is a wonderful caring understanding faithful committed person but don't know if its the right thing to do?




  1. RUN RUN RUN!!!!!!! don't go there it would be like dating your little sisters friend come on it just isn't cool  or you can do the psychological thing and sit down with your little brother and tell him, but in the end still be prepared to run run run because he might whoop your  butt

  2. wow that is very complicated, i mean, you, shane and ur bro should sit down and talk about if ur really willing to form sumthing you know...

  3. Great guys are extremely hard to find, trust me. And I've found my gem :) :) :).. If you really want to be with this guy, then perhaps you should talk to your brother about it just to put your mind at ease. I'm sure he'll respect and apreciate the fact that you told him and you're interested to know how he feels about it and if it's okay with him. I personally don't think there's anythig wrong with you pursuing a relationship with the guy you like - after all we don't really get to choose who we like or fall inlove with :)

    Good luck!

  4. Shane has 2 children??!!! Is he married??

    Stay away from Shane!!

  5. thats messed up you need to think about the effect on your bro and realise how many other potential partners are out there.

  6. I just feel that protecting your brother's interest plays a part...  I do understand what you really feel :)  but at the same time, having a go with Shane by having your brother's support and blessings would be much better...


  7. It sounds like you are making too many assumptions about a guy who has only been an acquaaintance at best and haven't seen for 2 yrs ? How could you know from one night of drinks and partying that he is wonderful,caring,understanding,faithful and committed ? He believes he's bi ? You sound like you are on the rebound and in a desperate state and he sounds really confused . I can only hope that you do not ruin the relationships that you have with your brother and the one your brother has with his friend . Do you think that whats tugging at your pants is worth hurting them ? This kind of hurt will not blow over easily. Just because your brother is cool with who you are doesn't meen he will approve of you carring on with his best friend .

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