
Is this the right way to "dispose" of an animal?

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Some people use glue traps to kill pest animals. But is it reasonable (and right) to throw away a still-living creature into the rubbish bin, stuck on super glue? Some people just leave the trap there and just wait until the animal finally expires before they check on it.

In fact, what do you think about glue traps altogether?




  1. we had rats in our attic and I believe we used glue traps as well as actual mouse traps. Most of the time the animals will not be living after a while (starvation!), but no I don't think you should dispose of it when its still alive, thats disgusting. I think it's be better off to go with regular "quick death" traps, not so much suffering :)

  2. That is horrible!now its in a bin waiting to die! what is wrong with you people!

  3. natural products plants, herbs, sprays, that don't kill but detour an animal from a designated area. Spiders however I squish.

  4. No. I think if you MUST "get rid" of a rodent you should use a trap that will kill them instantly, like a mouse/rat trap that snaps their necks. Letting them suffer and die from starvation is cruel... no matter what animal it is. But try to just deter them so no lives are taken lol. That's even more cruel than keeping them stuck to a glue trap!

  5. I personally think it is wrong. If someone is going to use those types of traps they should at least find a way to end the critters misery asap.

  6. My father used those. He pulled the mice off of the pad, and threw them into the woods.

  7. it's inhumain but people do it b/c they want it killed and dont think about the animal. But they are pests so there are two sides

    personaly i use this oil with pepper in it; it gets stuck to thir paws and they leave - its kind of crewl but it does not kill them

  8. flush it down the toilet

  9. I think glue traps are cruel because the animal caught, even if it was a pest, on my opinion, did not deserve to be stuck, unable to move for hours- maybe days before you release it.

    Imagine the fear caused by that. The animal does not know why it can't move, it just knows that it does not know what has happened and that it is scared stiff. So when you come up to it, all it knows is that a giant is walking towards it and it wants to run but it can't. It then gets chucked into a bin and starves to death.

    In short, no I do not agree with glue traps. There are more humane methods of controlling pests, for example there are incenses and stuff that pests hate. There are also electric things that you can plug in and they make a sound too high pitched for us to hear, but all animals HATE it. Or if you still want to kill them, there are more humane traps available to the public.

  10. If a person uses 'glue traps' to catch animals they should be humane enough to KILL the creature and dispose of it in a sealed plastic bag ... there are poor people who go into dumpsters looking for food and useable items, and they can be bitten ... even though it's illegal to search through dumpsters, if the person gets ill they can sue the place that filled the dumpster for medical bills and 'relief' ... so be good to both the animal and to potential dumpster divers and KILL and bag all those dead 'pests' before disposal!  I'll not give my thoughts on 'glue traps' ... I think they're pretty obvious.

  11. I personnaly don't think they're humane.  Last time I checked Glue paper was for flies.  You'd think they'd invent something a little more decent then rat poisening and glue paper.  But I guess they don't

  12. I prefer traps that kill the pest right away. Some times it can be unpleasant but it's better than letting the poor thing suffer. I've also heard of  them chewing off a leg and getting away only to bleed to death later.

  13. I personally feel that you should try to live trap and relocate when possible.  Barring that If you use a trap and plan on killing the animal, please check the trap often and if something is caught kill it as quickly as possible.   There is no reason to let it linger.

  14. Put it in a plastic bag. It will die soon enough.

    If you think that is not fast enough use a pail or water or smash the critter with your foot.

  15. Pests need to be eliminated.A quick kill is best, and it is in our nature to be predators. I personally would put a mouse out if I caught it, or most spiders, because yes, I have a tender disposition towards living things, but I can terminate them in an instant if I have to. I don't like glue traps, but they work very well.

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