
Is this the same for everyone or just some people?

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I don't like it, at all.

But when I see someone trip on something, it's like I can feel their embarrassment. And how much they're embarrassed.

Another example would be, one time I was sitting next to this guy, who had his feet up his chair. The chair lost balanced and so his legs abruptly fell. I felt embarrassed. Couple of days later, we were asking questions to each other, and I asked "Do you get embarrassed easy? Because I do." he said "Oh, yes I do... :("

And sometimes when I see a person do something, like trip or do something "embarrassing" sometimes does nt embarrassing, meaning they are not easily embarrassed...? [one time i saw one of my less-likely-to-get-embarrassed friends do something embarrassing, and i did not feel anything]

So what I'm asking, what is this? I can sense other people being embarrassed [and how much] this the same for everyone or just some?

thank you for your answers :)




  1. Yesterday, when Alicia Sacramone fell on the balance beam at the finals in the Olympics, my face turned beat red, I literally had to cover my face.

    It's called empathy, and it's a wonderful gift.  I think you're better off being overly empathetic vs under.

  2. Ya, I can totally sense their embarrassment. Then I laugh !!!

  3. Same with me. I think it's just that we feel for others and can put ourselves in their shoes more then other people.

  4. I can feel others pain. Its nothing to be scared of, some call is being physic, others call it being sprital....

    eahter way, its a stong gift and you should not be assamed of it.

  5. This happens to me, and to my mom as well. I think it's just with some people and not everyone.

  6. People can relate to each other without any words at all, knowing and being sensitive to the fact that they are embarrassed can be a great skill.

    You're probably noticing similar body language when they get embarrassed. Other people are able to tell when those around them are angry or sad keeping something in etc.

    Some people pick up on these small emotional differences and react to them others pay them no mind. It really depends on the situation, but lending the person a hand and stating yeah that was embarrassing might help them feel better because you're trying to relate to what just happened.  

  7. Yeah its normal I have the same thing. We just feel bad for them and Imagine their embarassment and its almost like we can feel it.

    I have a similair situation like this, I feel like i can feel other characters on tvs pain! (LOL I HAVE TO REMEMBER THEYRE ONLY ACTING!)

    For instance if a young kid is getting made fun of on tv in  a show or something i get so sad and upset and im always like 'Gawd people are so horrible!!"

    my mom said that I used to do the same thing when I was younger and that im just a very nice person lol

  8. yea it happens to other people, but not that many other people.

    Most people are so self-involved that aren't capable of putting themselves in someone else's shoes.  

    You are demonstrating a remarkable ability for empathy here so it probably seems like you have some kind of crazy super ability or something.  who knows? maybe you do.

    I think you are just a very intuitive and sensitive individual who is fascinated by people in general, whose capacity to observe and listen outweighs the desire to be the center of attention.

    I'm guessing that you may be kind of shy, and I bet that you make a very good listener and a great friend to those who take the time to get to know you.

    If you know when people are feeling embarrassed or bad in someway when no one else does, you can help them - even when no one else can.

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