
Is this the section for jokes?

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Ladies Check this joke out, lol: Comfortable Underwear

When my wife had to rush to the hospital unexpectedly, she asked me to bring her a few items from home. One item on the list was "comfortable underwear." Worried I'd make the wrong choice, I asked, "How will I know which ones to pick?"

"Hold them up and imagine them on me," she said. "If you smile, put them back."




  1. LOL... how true! I picked up some "granny panties" before having my baby and my husband just cringed.

  2. That is very funny.

  3. that's really cute, thank you.

  4. um...ha?

  5. LOL that's hilarious!

  6. LOL! I'm going to remember this one when I have to go to the hospital. (If that day ever comes)

  7. Hahahaha!  Cute.

  8. I like that joke!! Funny!

  9. loool.. cute

  10. very funny!!!!

  11. haha that is very funny, good one!

  12. thats a funny joke, lol

  13. yea wrong sectiong

  14. lol thats a gooder

  15. lol thats cute

  16. I dont get it. *sigh*

  17. That is pretty funny!

  18. hahahah

  19. LOL! That was so funny!  

  20. Thanks for the smile.I hope your wife is doing well.

  21. lmao


  22. omg hahaha i get it. i can just imagine my husband "i really like these aqua prepregnancy lacy boyshort things...ill bring those cuz the baby will be out soon and shell be tiny again!" haha.  

  23. cute and funny if you think about your husband packing your hospital bag...  

  24. Ha ha I like it. =]

  25. funny!!

  26. wife!

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