
Is this the silliest question or what?

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I'm originally from New South Wales Australia but my mum and dad are going to be working here until August so I'm going to school here in the U.S.

So anyways Last Friday my classmate, Jed asked me if I had ever ran over a kangaroo or wallaby on the way to school! It was so hilarious I started laughing! Who else thinks this is funny and sort of stereotypical?




  1. It's actually not that silly at all!

    I realise you lived in NSW and probably in a heavily urban area, but where I live we DO, in fact, see kangaroos on the way to school now and again (though we've never run over one - but I know someone whose car did get jumped on).

    Sometimes in the early mornings, they get inside the school gates. When there's a roo in the grounds, our school puts the theme song from "Skippy the Bush Kangaroo" over the PA system, so the kids all know to go up onto the verandahs until a teacher can clear it from the grounds. Some of them are really big and could certainly do some damage to a small child. It only happens (usually) early in the morning, when the children arrive, the kangaroos like grazing on our oval.  As it warms up, and the day wears on, they head back into the bushland.

  2. Its actually not that funny I have hit a kangaroo just round the corner from where I live...its not very funny the amount it actually costs to get your car fixed thats for sure....

  3. that is funny....and yes stereotypical.  We all make judgments on what little we know.....and most people have learned from TV and what not....that Australia is known for it's kangaroo or wallaby creatures....we here in America would hit a dog or a cat in the street....I guess he wants to know what kind of road kill you would run into.  lol

  4. There are plenty of people who have hit a kangaroo in Australia?  Maybe Jed knows more about Aussie roadkill that you do!  

    Once, on the way somewhere, (can't remember where, but not to school) my Dad hit a kangaroo, and it totalled our car.  They actually do huge amounts of damage to cars when they're hit.  

    Maybe you should tell Jed, that No, you haven't - but that there are PLENTY of Aussies who have.

  5. I got asked once if there were aborigines walking around half naked, standing on 1 leg holding a spear.

  6. First of all, it is SO cool that you live in Australia(sorry about the spelling)

  7. One of my fellow shooting friends travels to country farms and works at night hunting roos. He's killed up to 200 in one night.

    I think the rest of the world is confusing australian cities with australian outback/countryside. Kangaroos and wallabies are VERY common in the country, just not in the city.

  8. I've hit a deer on the road

  9. that is hillarious =] have you?

  10. I am from Australia and I have ran over a kangaroo and a wallaby on my way to school.  Well not me but my Mum.

    I lived in the sticks at the time though.

    ***Dad was a driller and he was always bringing home baby roo's that had been trapped in his drilled holes over night.  So yes we had roo's that were fed by bottle.

    I now live in the outer suburbs  and we use to  get the odd kangaroo in the yard, before we erected a new fence.

    I thought it was a normal part of Australain life to see Kangaroo's, but I don't live in the city.

  11. Didn't you know that there are guards posted at either end of the Harbour Bridge to stop the roos and wallabies going onto the bridge in peak hour and causing accidents and traffic jams?

  12. No ,I know of alot sillier than that from the same race.

  13. AHAHAHAH yeh its is heaps stereotypical..... but dude u would know like every other Aussie that u see dead Kanga's on the side of the road all the time. And when you hit them, they so some maaaaajjjoorrrr damage to your car!!

    Instead of saying u ran one over, tell them u used to keep them in your backyard.

  14. I almost lost my breathe with that one cause it knew the question before i read it,LMAO!!

  15. Very stereotypical however I have hit many a roo, emu,snakes etc.

  16. Gosh.  I used to drive the Wakehurst Parkway from Narrabeen to Frenchs Forest in the Sydney metro area.  Lots of kids would be driven to school on this road.  I often saw wallaby roadkill.  Same on Mona Vale Rd.

    This is funny for one reason, and it is not your mate Jed.

  17. You thinks thats bad- I once got asked in an online chatroom if we had electricity in Australia....... What the? I was on the net!!!! :-)

    (And no I haven't hit a roo on the way to school- but nearly crashed into one on the way home when I lived in Dwellingup, WA)

  18. i work in insurance claims in australia and see loads of car accidents.

    hitting a kangaroo in australia is WAY more common than you think.

    although, maybe not necessarily on the way to school - cause they come out at dawn and dusk.

    it's stereotypical but only in that kangaroos are native to australia.

  19. I suppose it all depends on whether you lived in the country or in the city here in Australia.

    As you should already know, kangaroos are often hit by cars on the roads in the country areas.

  20. u should make up stories for them

    like kangaroos deliver our post

    how u have to watch out for drop bears in the bush

    that we have monted police, only cus thr arnt enough horses we use kangaroos...

    just a few to get u started

    the funniest thing is when they belive u

  21. lol i always get asked that because i tell people im from australia !!

    they ask me " do you live with kangaroos " or " do you own one "

    lol i just start laughing because it seems to me that they have no idea about australia

  22. at least he didn't ask if you'd taken a ride in a kangaroo's pouch!

    i guess it is a kind of valid question. kangaroos and deer are similar in a lot of ways! maybe he has hit a deer before...

  23. Unfortunately - it CAN happen - if you are NOT in a heavy urban location.

    7 months ago - I hit a kangaroo while driving home from work. They just came out of nowhere along the highway and there is NO WAY I can stop

    I was lucky - it was hit by the side of my car so it hardly did any damage to my car  - but it went to its maker.

    Sad but true.

    Cheese to you.

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