
Is this the solution for seniors who are lonely, broke and unable to pay their taxes? Have them work to pay?

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AP - Davison, 76, raised her family there and after 43 years, she really doesn want to leave.

She suffers from arthritis and sciatica and needs a walker to get around on her bad days.

She pays about $12,000 a year in property taxes perhaps $2,000 to the town and has already taken out a reverse mortgage to pay her bills.

The town says they will help to find her a job, work part-time, for $7 an hour, to help pay off some of the property taxes.




  1. Slave labor of the elderly and disabled is an abomination.  What do you think Jesus Christ would say?

  2. I think it was Cromwell from England who said tongue in cheek, when people complained about too many Irish children. He said eat them.

    Here, let's just euthanize them and give their assets to the government.  Hitler got away with it. He picked on the Jews, confiscated their assets, then eliminated them.  

    We just don't seem to care about people.  A society is judged by how they treat their weakest and most vulnerable citizens.


  3. If you are looking for a reverse mortgage to receive some much needed cash, you may want to look into a reverse mortgage wholesale loan. This is the perfect way for you to get a reverse mortgage<!--without all the added fees that lenders are adding on these days. Keep reading to discover exactly what this type of loan is and what it can do for you.A reverse mortgage wholesale loan is not available directly to you.

    This type of mortgage loan is sold to a lender at a discounted rate and the lender will add points to the rate and pass the savings on to you.There are three main-->agencies that sell reverse mortgage wholesale lender accounts. These agencies are the Federal Housing Authority, the Fannie Mae foundation and the Financial Freedom Cash Account.

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