
Is this the surge McCain keeps going on about?

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I've seen a news piece a couple/few of weeks ago and they showed US soldiers walking around handing out money to Iraqi people - madness!!!

Is this the surge the surge, the surge, McCain keeps going on about?

It’s the surge alright.

Surge in oil prices, surge in demand for oil, surge in energy costs, surge in reliance on Food stamps (28 million Americans are now relying on them to survive). Surge in housing foreclosures, surge in families separated from their love ones, surge in job losses and fast-rising prices, surge in US debt. …The list goes on and on and on.

So let McCain bang on about the surge but can somebody let him know it’s not the only surge that’s going on.

Makes me sick to my stomach!

oh and lets not forget the SURGE in the cost of the whole thing TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS - money the US cannot afford.




  1. I totally agree with ELVIS!!!!

  2. Funny you should mention foodstamps, welfare benefits tend to grow when democrats take office.  You feel bad for the people who need them I'm sure, and so do I but I've met way too many people who make a living on food stamps, HUD housing and other benefits that my taxes pay for when these people live this way to avoid having to work and are fully capable of doing so.  Unemployment is down?  Gee, it's never taken me more than a few days to find work, anywhere I've ever lived, even second jobs and side-work.  The work is there.  The surge McCain keeps referring to is the surge in American troops in Iraq, a wave of temporary reinforcements that had tremendous effect on our terrorist enemies in Iraq.  Take my taxes and give them to a U.S. soldier rather than the guy on government aid who refuses to work.

  3. you bet ye.

  4. If the government wasn't throwing this money away in Iraq, they would be throwing it away on some other foolishness. The problem is our allowing the government to steal our money in the first place, not on how they waste it. Listen to the huge new tax increases and spending programs being proposed by Barry Obama.

  5. We're running out of soldiers, that's why we haven't sent more to Afghanistan.  I wonder how long 'til they institute the draft.  The surge has nothing to do with McCain--he isn't in office yet, so just settle down.  Reagan put us in more debt than any president before him, so I can't blame the dems for that, in reply to one of the answers you got.  As sweet as he seemed to be, he did a lot of harm to our country.  Then there is Clinton, and he is a whole other story.  

    But I digress-the surge is referring to an increase in the number of soldiers, but we are running short on soldiers that is why you see these poor men and women being sent to Iraq multiple times during their enlistment periods.

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