
Is this the time to stop human from breeding??

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stop multiplying like ants!!! h**l IS RUNNING OUT OF SPACE!! be nice with your opinion please




  1. Just think about it, every minute we're having many babies...but also...every minute, many of us are dying.  So technically we're not overpopulating too much.

    And with h**l running out of space..not everyone goes to h**l!  So there's tons more room...I hope.

  2. Humans stop breeding?  I doin't think that will happen, but I do think that certain people should be on birth control, men as well, especially in certain countries like Africa where AIDS is running out of control and they keep multiplying their children. I think people on welfare should have mandatory BC also. It will deffinitly help with over population and with our tax monies. I also think that teens should be put on BC by at least 14 now. They are out of control....having babies like crazy. I think that all the money we are spending in taxes for health class s*x ed isn't  working and more needs to be done because less and less parents have an active role in their kids lives.

  3. The most sincere way one deals with this question is by suicide.

    I note that Canada and several European countries have birth rates approaching death rates so that  population growth results from migration. Birth rates below death rates would be required to completely stabilize population because current population is greater than it was when our current seniors were born.

    But hoping that someone else will step forward and commit suicide (or self sterilization) when you resist (for whatever rationalization) is not going to work.

    The fact that someone lives in a country where survival is more difficult is a solid reason to have more children. People can be convinced that they should limit their own procreation only when they see less need to replace lost babies and children, when there is less urgency to having children to support oneself in old age.

    But most urgently people will not avoid having children so that you can have a larger part of the planet to populate. The sacrifice has to be shared responsibly by all of us, or forget it.

  4. that is not nice, they have cut down years ago people used to have ten to twelve children,its up to each individual if you can afford and enjoy having kids then go for it.

  5. yes,,but you go first

  6. Sure go in and get yourself fixed. then at least you'll stop breeding.

  7. Reproduction could stand to slow down, but staying in practice is o.k.

  8. No, it was time 50 years ago.

  9. It should stop Global filling -

    Unfortunately only responsible people will stop and teenagers will keep on getting pregnant.

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